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Posts posted by Robin1017

  1. So I'm thinking of switching foods....Robin has been on Iams Large Breed for many many years, and he has always done fairly well on it. Until the past year and a half or so. Robin will be 13 in October, and he has been having off and on tummy issues since sometime last year. Rarely long enough or extreme enough to go on medication or really be concerned, as it can mostly be explained by his system is just getting old. But lately I've started to wonder if the "new normal" could be eased a bit. In particular, he gets bouts of cramping and discomfort, followed later by gas (usually, but not always) and often somewhat loose stools. It is all usually better by the next day, but then a couple days later it will happen again. It sometimes happens right after eating, but not always.


    I'm starting to wonder if the Iams, which "Has always done very well for him and I'm afraid to change it because of that" is no longer agreeing with him as well. Maybe they changed formulas to something that doesn't work as well for Robin (the bag has changed many times in the past year and a half, and my friend who worked for petsmart said that every time they change the bag, they change the formula). Or maybe his system is getting more sensitive and there is something in it that isn't working. I'm not sure, it's just a possibility. But a very real one.


    So I'm considering switching his food to a salmon-based grain-free (ideally the costco one, but I don't have a costco membership, I have BJs, so if they don't have it, I may try Nature's Recipe, which a friend uses and recommends). He LOVES my mom's dog's salmon-based food and tries to steal it all the time. So it might be worth a go. But there is a big chance that messing with his base food, his kibble that he has been on for at least 10 years, will seriously backfire on me (literally AND figuratively). I'm interested in doing so, but I'm scared to do it. I'm wondering what people have experienced.

    1. Is it a good idea to switch a dog's food at nearly 13?

    2. Is it possible to do a switch for just a couple of weeks, then change back if it doesn't go well? Would he be likely to get back to normal, so that this is a low-risk venture, or could I completely throw his system out of whack by even attempting this?


    Also, if anyone knows if you can get the Nature's Domain, or whatever it is, at BJ's, that would be helpful info too.



  2. I was afraid to have Robin's teeth done last year at 11, but i also didn't want to wait until he was even older. So i brought him to Angell, here in Boston, that has a dentist on site. The key for me was that they have an anesthesiologist help perform the procedure, and it is that person's job just to monitor Robin and keep him alive. That made me feel tons better, but i still stressed out. He ended up doing very well.

  3. Okay everyone! I found myself at BJ's today and saw a tub of coconut oil (extra virgin) for only $10. Seemed like a bargain.


    Of course, though I can remember hearing of its many splendid qualities and uses on this forum, I can only remember the one--adding it to Robin's food.


    So, can people refresh my memory? How do YOU use it? :)

  4. A word of advice I got from here on GT.....


    Robin has been on meloxicam for over a year for arthritis. I took him off it for a week to confirm that it was helping, and he got a lot worse after a few days, so I know that it is beneficial and "worth it". It can cause stomach issues, including my great fear, ulcers and bleeds. Especially if you are using the human pill form, rather than the liquid Metacam for dogs. In order to help reduce the risk for that, I give him the meloxicam every day after he eats a nice full dinner, so that his stomach is full. I also give him 10mg pepcid right before the meal as well.


    Not sure if this is helping, but pepcid is cheap, so it can't hurt. And so far, he's done quite well on it. So I continue.


    Good luck!

  5. Well, the Oster food chopper at walmart for $20 was perfect. I was able to grind down a cup of food at a time, which is perfect. I was able to mix the powder into his wet food and he loved it. Perfect size, perfect price. Sadly, I got a dud....it stopped working the same night I bought it. So I exchanged it. This time only one button worked....and there was no guarantee that that would not stop working too.


    So, I have not made another exchange, as the walmarts near me don't have much in stock, if any. But annoyingly, this one would be perfect if I could just find one that worked! I have other "food chopper" options that will work, but they are all more expensive. So we will see....


    Robin has since stopped being quite so picky and will now eat his food again. So I have a little time to ponder this situation. Maybe try a couple more items.



  6. I went to walmart and got a food chopper by Oster for $20. I'm pleased to say it actually ground the kibble pretty well! And I like the price; since I'm going to designate it for only dog food, I didn't want to spend too much.


    We'll see how it lasts, and how well "his highness" likes my experiments.....



  7. I'm interested in purchasing a food processor so that I have the option of grinding Robin's kibble up for various food-mixing options. His food preferences seem to vary....sometimes he's good with just plain kibble and pumpkin, but other times he just doesn't have an appetite. His weight stays okay, so I'm mainly concerned about getting some into him so that he can have his medicines and not have an empty stomach. I've found a few strategies that work for him, but I feel like a food processor might help speed things up a bit. :-) In particular, he likes when I soak the food until I can mash it and mix it with wet food, so that it is all the same consistency. Thinking food processor could help that.....


    Question for any of you who have done this. Would a mini-processor be enough? I would ideally like to spend less than $50 on this venture, but I don't have a lot of food-processor experience and I don't know if kibble is a challenge to grind, necessitating more power. The ones I keep finding have about 250 watts. I don't want to waste the money if it won't help.


    I'm thinking of using a Bed Bath & Beyond 20% coupon, but I need to decide what to get. Help?

  8. We are home and fed. And I am pleased to say that I feel a lot better. Spent nearly an hour with the vet (wow!) discussing his booboo foot and various other things, and she thinks it is most likely an abrasion/soft tissue injury, rather than any type of c-word. Today the "bump" was more scabby, and the foot looked more bruised, the timing and presentation of which is consistent with the possibility that he banged it being a crazy dog hiking in snow this weekend. I pushed, discussing osteo, and the other type of c for feet squam....whatever) and she had good explanations for her reasoning. And she really is a "worst case" type person, so I feel fairly reassured. Of course, I could have pushed for x-rays today, but I decided to take her advice and give it a week or so to see how/if it changes.


    And yes, he now has one less toenail. On that same foot. Ripped it right out. And yet, he's acting like it doesn't bug him at all. So I have wound care to do, but not much else unless I see some changing.


    Feeling calmer. Knowing you can never be 100% sure of anything, even with x-rays. But feeling calmer.


    Thanks everyone!

  9. We have an appt this afternoon. Though it is with another vet in the practice, I like him too. Not sure if xrays are an option there, but I definitely want it looked at. And get this.... This morning Robin tore a toenail out on the very same foot! It looked like a murder scene. I cleaned and wrapped it, but I guess I may as well have them look at that booboo as well.


    I think this dog may be the cause of most of my gray hairs. Sigh.

  10. This is all very reassuring....thank you, everyone. It is good to know that x-rays-to-stop-mom's-stomachache should likely be less involved than I had feared. I will see what the vet thinks upon looking at it. When I took him out after his nap, he wasn't even limping on it, so maybe that is a good sign. If it were swelling because "something" was getting bigger or worse, I would think it would be getting more painful and obvious. But the "warty-thing" is definitely different....and bumps that change are bad.....so off we go. Hopefully I can get him in tomorrow so I don't have a nervous breakdown for more than a day.


    Haven't mentioned this on facebook yet, even to ask for good thoughts. That makes it real. And I'm not sure it's anything to be real yet. You know?

  11. I'm not sure if anything is going on. Hope not. But he has had a little warty-like bump on his foot for a little bit now. And I just noticed that his foot appears a little swollen around it now. But he did do a pretty long hike today and yesterday, and he probably overdid it. Or maybe there's a little infection. Could be a lot of things. He's not acting like it hurts.


    But you all know how it is....I can't ignore the sudden upset stomach I have. So I will be calling the vet in the morning, just in case (I was going to anyway....there's a bump on his eyelid I don't like). And I don't think I could handle wondering, so I would consider asking for x-rays. But I was wondering what that will mean as far as anesthesia or not, and as far as cost.


    Having a hard time focusing on the report I'm trying to write for work. A little distracted, even though there is nothing I can do until morning regardless.

    He's good at the vet. But nervous in the exam room, and he will not lay down. He wouldn't even lay down on a nice cozy bed the one time we tried accupuncture.

  12. One thing to consider is Robaxin (methocarbamol). It is a muscle relaxant, and I got the idea from lots of people here on GT. It can help with muscle spasms/clenching that may be happening due to arthritis, especially if it is in the spinal area. I know you didn't mention spinal arthritis, but it was a different idea than the typical painkillers, so I wanted to mention it. It seems to help Robin, who has arthritis in his right front wrist as well as his spine (and possibly other areas as well).


    (He is also on meloxicam and the Get Up and Go supplements for his arthritis. He also takes gabapentin, which helps with nerve pain due to his hind end weakness. Haven't tried tramadol, since that makes him anxious and pant-y. But so far this mix of meds and supplements keeps him a happy boy. Robin is 12.)

  13. So, for the past couple of weeks, Robin has had on-again, off-again tummy issues. Occasional bouts of diarrhea, some soft stool, but I keep thinking it has cleared because then his poops will be fine for a few days. But then it will hit again... Nothing too horrible, really, though it has involved some really gross messes to come home to, since he can't manage to contain such events. But I have noticed the occasional time where it seems to be accompanied by an upset stomach, or possibly cramping. Definitely discomfort, because he will pant and pant....and often combined with gurglies and/or horrible, foul-smelling gas.


    Like right now. The house smells horrible, and he woke up a few minutes ago panting like crazy. Finally made him go outside with me and jogged until he pooped, and he seems calmer and more relaxed. The poop was small, and a little soft, but formed.


    My question is, does anyone have any ideas for something I can do to help relieve his discomfort during these episodes? Pepcid is somewhat out, because he takes pepcid regularly twice a day already, and he's almost at the daily dosage limit, so I don't really want to play around with giving it at different times. Is there something else i can offer that I can know won't interact with pepcid, and that is neutral enough that it won't interfere with his other meds? (Robaxin, meloxicam, and gabapentin). Another medicine? Something herbal? (do I remember chamomile tea being an option?) Warm compresses?


    I hate watching him feeling bad without being able to offer something to help. But I have IBS, and I know when it happens to me, there's not much to be done except wait it out and try to go. (TMI time)


    (By the way, I did take a fecal sample in to the vet today. I finally put it together that this could be something, rather than just delicate old man digestion, so I want to rule out anything else. I can't seem to get it stable this time. So the vet is on it!)


    Thanks for any ideas!


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