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Posts posted by Robin1017

  1. I think I'm in a situation where too much knowledge is a bad thing....


    Robin has not had a dental since we got him 5 years ago at the age of 2. Today we took him to the vet for a full checkup, just to make sure all is well, and we were thinking that he probably needed a dental at this point. After all, he's not getting any younger! (We haven't been neglectful--the last time we went to the vet, they didn't think he needed one yet.)


    The vet, who is new to us, was very impressed by Robin, pronouncing him an amazingly healthy-looking 7-year old. He seemed to think he seemed young for his age! I was glad to hear that....as far as the dental recommendation goes, he said that he would recommend it in general for his overall health, but that his teeth actually looked pretty good! Not much tartar at all.


    Which leaves me with the anxiety--I know from GT about the dangers of anesthesia and how sometimes greys just don't wake up....I can't help but be extremely afraid and nervous about this. I know that he should get a dental, and that it is better to do it now than later, because as he gets older it gets more risky. So I know we need to do it--and the vet can fit him in as soon as Tuesday! But it would be easier if it were ABSOLUTELY urgent--then we would have no choice. And really, we don't, I know....but it's still hard. I wish I was blissfully unaware of the dangers.


    Maybe since he is "so young and healthy for his age", he will be fine...why do I feel so uncomfortable with scheduling the appointment?


    Sorry for the rant...I think I'm just venting. Decision has to be made by morning....Thanks for listening...


  2. Hi,


    Robin appears to have jammed his toe doing some of his zoomies. Though it's very minor, there is a lot of caked mud mixed with blood around the toenail, and it is up under the skin surrounding the toe. I worry about infection, because I can see how it might be a bit swollen, and I thought someone on here had suggested soaking something like that in epsom salts to clean it?


    I just wanted to check again before I did so. Does this sound like a good idea? He won't get sick when he licks it later?



  3. Hi,


    We've come to the conclusion that Robin needs a dental. Since his last dental was when we lived in VA, we do not have a good idea of who to go to here in the Boston area. Can anyone recommend a reliable vet in the area who is experienced at doing dental cleanings on greyhounds? Possibly one who is on the cheaper end (in cost, not quality, of course)?


    I looked at the pinned vets list, but I wasn't sure if all vets do dental cleanings.......


    Thanks for any leads!



  4. There was a post here a while ago (summer?) and the general idea was that the K9Advantix has something that makes it harmful to cats, and that in this instance greys are closer to cats than dogs and often have the same bad reactions. The rule of thumb I took from the whole post (sorry I can't locate it) is that if it is considered harmful to cats, don't give it to a grey.


    I think that is right. Or else I totally misunderstood.

  5. This has been on my mind lately after finding 6 ticks while camping a couple of weeks ago and just finding one on Robin now. A few (maybe 3) of them were deer ticks, the type known to carry Lyme disease. Robin was diagnosed with Lyme just a month after we adopted him (though since it hasn't ever flared up since, we wonder if he really does have it, or if it was misdiagnosed at the time).


    My question is, if the tick that bites him has Lyme disease, what's the danger? I mean, he already has the disease--does it cause it to flare up, for example, or would things just stay the same as always?


    I realize there are other TBD's to worry about (and, of course, getting Lyme myself), but this question has always puzzled me, since my mom has two dogs that have Lyme disease as well....


    Does anyone know?

  6. Robin actually got swollen just like that one day when we were cleaning house. We gave him a BIG rawhide bone someone had given him, as we were cleaning house ALL DAY and needed him occupied. He chewed for hours, to be honest, which we have not let him do again. We took the bone from him when we noticed the swelling. It went down on its own after a few hours, and we assumed that maybe he had just worked the jaw muscles for too long (like when you lift weights and your muscles are all swollen?). It was soft and squishy, too.

  7. Well, woo-hoo! It sounds like I can give this packet to him tonight, I guess.


    It always makes me nervous, because what if THIS time is the time he has a reaction?


    I think I'm just paranoid, though. It's better than the alternative of what he could get from ticks....


    Thanks so much for the information! I feel a lot better!

  8. Hi--

    Fairly dumb question, I think, but I wanted to know. There isn't an expiration date on the Frontline Plus that I have left. However, I bought the package a while ago, forgot we had it, and bought and used more. Need to know if the one I have left is any good. I wanted to treat him tonight, but I just realized this dilemma.


    Is there an expiration date for Frontline Plus that anyone knows of?


    I will admit, my instinct is to ditch it if I can't remember how long it's been here, but I was hoping someone knew otherwise?


    Told you it was a silly question.


    Robin's mom

  9. Hmmmm...when Argos was attacked by another dog, they stitched it up. I'll ask about that next time (which there won't be, knock wood).



    Yep. Robin got bitten on the side last summer, and the vet (we were out of town) stitched it up completely. We didn't know any better. The wound kept reopening and didn't heal right at first because of the fluid collecting. Once we got back home, our vet flushed it and fixed it up a bit, but I know it wouldn't have lasted as long if it had been left open to drain as I now know it was supposed to.


    Luckily, the scar's not too bad. Live and learn--hopefully knowledge that won't be needed next time.

  10. Okay, so this is pretty gross, but I've been wondering for a while if it is common. Robin has always done this. When we go out for a walk, he usually does at least two good, solid poops. If we keep walking, however, even for 20 minutes, he will keep going and going every 5 minutes or so even though there's nothing left. We call it "dry heaves" because all he does is a few little squirts. If that.


    Mainly, it just makes us look bad in front of other owners because it looks like we're not picking up his poop. But really, there's nothing that's able to be picked up! Sometimes, though, I start getting worried that this kind of purging can't be healthy. Sometimes he even poops out this clear, jelly-like fluid (looks like KY). I get worried that he's going to rupture something, to be honest.


    Is this normal in greyhounds? If so, why? I know that they want to empty themselves before running. I also thought that in the kennel they were only let out two times a day. So maybe he learned to save it all up and then get rid of it all at once? We've had him for 4 years, so it's probably not something to worry about, but still.......


    Any info would be helpful...




  11. I've just been sitting here for about an hour or so, reading every single page of this thread. I just found it--to avoid tears, I don't go to the Health & Medical forum very often. I'm overwhelmed by the amount of effort and love being put forth to save this sweet brindle boy, who you just found in a shelter. And when I hear about all of the broken legs that GALT has been dealing with as well....


    I'm just amazed.



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