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Posts posted by k9fun

  1. I am so sorry. What a beautiful tribute . Including her life lessons (though I'm none to sure about the Ivory soap part! :) )


    :chow One year she ate 3 bars of Ivory soap. She would stand on her back legs and steal the bar out of the shower and devour it. It never hurt her and the problem stopped when I changed brands. So many crazy stories about this funny girl.

    ..and no we did not "allow" her to do this, we pieced several events together until we finally figured out what was happening to our soap.



    Thank you everyone for your thoughts and sympathies, they mean so much. She truly will be missed :beatheart :beatheart :beatheart

  2. IMG_4740-002.JPG?gl=US


    You never forget "your first". Bella was our first Greyhound. We met August 14, 2005 at a M&G in a bookstore in Prescott, AZ. We had 3 non-greys at the time. Not looking for a 4th dog, but she had such personality, with her gimpy front leg and all. We were told she had been in foster care for almost a year, no one wanted a dog that wasn't "perfect" but we didn't want another dog. All the way home we talked about her. Got home and called to see if we could stop by and meet her again the next day.


    August 15, 2005, our 24th anniverary...we stopped and met with Jim and Leah and Bella. Said we'd take her. They brought her over on the 16th, riding in a convertible MG. She had style! When they left her with us, she whined for about 20 minutes. Within an hour, she was on her back, legs in the air, very comfortable. That little 53 pound girl changed our lives.


    Some of you may have met her in Kanab as she attended 3 of Claudia's gatherings. She was always a crowd pleaser, always enjoyed the excitement and was very proud of the plate in her leg. Often times people would stop to talk to her and she would always show them her special leg.


    Because of her we have met so many wonderful people. Because of her we have had 11 Greyhounds in our home (she's the 4th one to pass). Because of her, many people realized that an injury or having 3 good legs wasn't an issue. Not bad for one little girl.


    Her passing leaves a huge hole in our hearts and our home. She taught us many life lessons while she was here, I will share them with you here:




    RIP sweet baby girl, we will never forget you!


  3. My boy Kingman waits and watches and then follows me to the bedroom at night and stands next to his bed until I lift his blanket and cover him up. I can pretty much count on him getting up around 3AM to go out and pee (we have a dog door) and then he comes back in and starts by staring at me, then a low whine, then a bit louder and if I still don't wake up to cover him then he gives a single woof to wake me to cover him back up. Some nights he has to go pee more than once and we repeat the cycle. Does not seem to matter if he has jammies on or not. Thankfully he only does this in the winter. :lol

  4. I had a non-greyhound that was dx with Addisons when he was 5 and he lived to 12. He was was near death when a very wise vet decided to do the ACTH stimulation test. It was miraculous how he bounced back with just one injection of Percorten-v. Just prior to that we were told he had kidney failure and would be gone within days. Needless to say we were so thankful that the dx was Addisons and manageable with monthly injections thereafter. I know of many people that have done Florinef or Percorten both are successful. Did you know that JFK had Addisons? Percorten was developed for him but Florinef was a better match for him. Years later when they were going to discontinue it there was a huge outcry from the veterinary community, turns out they had no idea the extent to which it was being used to treat dogs.


    One thing we found so helpful was this discussion board on Yahoo http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/k9Addisons/files/ all kinds of people and dogs dealing with the disease and lots of opportunity to share and learn from others who have common experiences. UC Davis uses the list for research. When my guy was dx with Addisons it was not widely known and Percorten had not yet been approved for veterinary use. We were part of the trials.


    Good luck with your tests, I hope that you get the answers you seek and if it turns out to be Addisons understand that there is indeed hope for a full and happy life.

  5. Hello! We are also going through VF hell, not with our greys but our only "not-a-grey" Sparky. He had massive gran-mal seizures in February that were diagnosed as brain lesions from VF. It has been a struggle getting the meds just right, but we are working through it. There is a yahoo group called valleyfeverpets that has been so informative. If you join up they will send you information about blood results, on-going treatment and other stuff. If you don't want to join just send me a PM and I can send you the docs directly. Also I know that Flucon can be so expensive and we have found a mail order source that is more reasonable that we use so it takes the sting out of it.


    BTW, Sparky is doing much better now but he does have breakthrough seizures from time to time, which our vet said was expected considering the severity of his condition.


    Good luck with Miss Echo, I know what you are going through and it is a tough road but manageable. ;)

  6. OMD! He is stunningly handsome! My boy Parker was UCME Garrett he also had a race ending leg break that never healed properly and resulted in a ruptured calcanious tendon just 4 months after we adopted him. He was also in a cast with pins for 3 months post op. That was a few years ago, he walks with a limp but still runs and plays like a wild man now.

  7. At the recommendation of saved2 we started using the lavender baby powder and have had good results. This time last year we were picking off a couple ticks a week - this year nothing. We have never had fleas. I like the BP because it's effectiveness and lack of poison :)


    What brand is it and where can you buy it. I'm so tired of the chemical smell in the flea&tick treatments. UGH It even makes me dizzy to be around the dogs.



    Just plain ol' Johnson and Johnson, lavender and camomile baby powder. It works for us and makes the dogs smell good too!


    Baby powder doesn't kill fleas. If you're using it and not seeing fleas, you could not use it and not see fleas -- there aren't any in your environment (lucky you!).


    With all due respect, I did not ever say it kills fleas. I said we don't have them. Ticks are OUR biggest concern and problem and this solves OUR problem.

  8. At the recommendation of saved2 we started using the lavender baby powder and have had good results. This time last year we were picking off a couple ticks a week - this year nothing. We have never had fleas. I like the BP because it's effectiveness and lack of poison :)

  9. We also use the breakaways for all our kids. We switched over last year to the Chinook and I am sure glad we did. Only 2 months after the switch we came home to find our old man without his collar upon further inspection we found it caught on a metal doorstop broken away - the collar did it's job and I shudder to think what would have happened if he had not had the right collar on. :o

  10. Hi Donna,


    We dealt with Addison's successfully for many years with our boy Boris (pitbull mix). He passed away 3 years ago after being DX 6 years prior. We used Percorten and pred and had very good results with it. Our vet was great and we gave him his shot ourselves at home every month so it was very convenient. He was pretty consistent about needing his shot every 28 days but sometimes depending on his stress level during the month it could be a day or two earlier but we were alert to the signs and when he needed his shot. He did not suffer any side effects from the DOCP and he lived a very full and active life up to a month shy of his 12th BD. We still have his sister (non-AD) and she will be 15 in May.


    There was a great support yahoo group that we used all during that time and you can find the information at this site http://www.k9addisons.com/


    Good luck with your journey and if I can help in any way please don't hesitate to ask.

  11. Our newest boy was a neglect case that was owner surrendered. His mouth was just awful, smelled like rotten meat. :puke Anyway he desperately needed a dental. He went in 2 weeks ago today and had 17 teeth removed. :omg The vet was able to just finger pull them they were so exposed. He is a new dog today, no more mouth odor, the infection has cleared up, he runs around the house playing, he has a new lease on life. It was the worst dental the vet had ever seen and he was under for over 2 hours while they cleaned up his mouth. BTW he will be 12 next month. Yes I was very worried about doing this at his age, but it was well worth the risk and the outcome has been simply amazing!! :yay

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