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Posts posted by k9fun

  1. Oh my gosh, I am sorry that I have not seen this thread earlier. My dog Boris (Tahsa's brother) had Addisons. We worked with it for over 6 years with monthly injections of Precortin and every other day doses of prednisone. It was very managable and he lived a very normal life to 11. We owe his life and diagnosis to the vet we had at the time in San Jose when we lived there. She was an early adopter of the Precortin treatment and actually worked in trial studies with Novartis. If it had not been for keen diagnosis and quick action he would not have made it. I had never even heard of Addisons when he was dx back in 2000. He was near death with a previous vet dx of kidney failure. The test for AD was quick and not very expensive (at least back then). Basically it was a baseline blood test and then he was given an injection of Precortin and another baseline was done to check the adrenal response. For as sick as Boris was it was like a miracle he was near normal within 24 hours of the injection.


    His symptoms were listlessness, vomiting, apparent abdominal pain, shakes and weight loss. After we had him stabilized, we could tell after time when he was ready for an injection. Some months he could go 23 days between and other months it was about 28 days it just depended on what was going on in his life month to month and his stress level. We switched to a raw diet after his dx for him and our other 2 dogs at the time and we never looked back. We feel that contributed dramatically to his improved health and well being.


    You said you joined the yahoo group, I am not sure which one but AD the one I belonged to can be found through this web site. It was a great group and wonderful support. My vet was very open to the information that was shared at that time because we were early in our journey and not much was known at the time about AD in dogs.


    Good luck to you and Demas and if I can be of any help or support please let me know.



  2. What a beautiful tribute to an awesome girl. This is a huge heartbreak. :crying :crying You both have been such an inspiration to so many.


    I hope that your memories of the happy times will help to ease your sorrow over the coming months. You were both so very lucky to have found each other.


    Hugs to you and godspeed to Ember. :gh_run Run pain free now baby.


    Thank you for sharing her with all of us. f_yellow f_yellow f_yellow f_yellow

  3. Well the adventures of Parker continue. As I updated before, his bandage changes now occur with our local vet, who thankfully is much closer to home. He has had 2 so far and we are scheduled for the next one on Christmas eve. We took him in yesterday and decided to have a little fun at his expense. Good thing he has managed to keep his sense of humor. Everyone at the vet's office adores him and fuss over him so much. His prognosis is good but guarded and they say it is going to be a long haul. They are still very concerned about the bone and any infection that may set in. So we will continue with the vigil.


    Thank you all for your continued good thoughts and Happy Holidays! :reindeer


    He got all dressed up for his visit this week



    Here he is with his wonderful vet Dr. Flannery



    And he manages to get a kiss on the vet's son.


  4. IMG_4068.JPG


    Poor Parker! Well today marks one month since the break. We counted off on the calendar it has been eleven round trips to Phoenix and back. That is 200+ miles round trip each time! Wow! time flies when you are having fun, good thing gas continues to drop in price through this ordeal.


    Okay, so why so many trips to Phoenix? Well after the trip down there on Thanksgiving night and the discovery of the pressure sore the surgeon wanted to see him every 3 days for a bandage change and exam. This past Sunday they wanted us to drop him off so he could spend the night and the surgeon could see him again on Monday and take x-rays. The news was not excellent but it was not that bad either. Basically he said the wire wrap that they put around the bone sliced through the bone much like a cheese wire slices through cheese :eek when it did that it moved the pin and the bone shifted slightly. The good news though was that there is new growth in that area and it seems to have stabilized. He said that Parker would probably always have a limp but that he would have use of the leg and should be pain free. I am WAY okay with that, after all we have "Bella Boo Barbie" with the 12 pin steel plate in her leg and that does not slow her down one bit, so they can just be the gimpy twins and take their act on the road or something :P


    The really good news was though that the surgeon has now released Parker to our local vet for his bandage changes for the rest of the year god willing and that nothing bad happens. They will want to do a re-check sometime in January. :yay His pressure sores are still of some concern and they have to do special wraps and he is on antibiotics but all of this we can cope with as long as the healing continues.


    So why "Poor Parker"? Well the surgeon has given him strict NO activity orders so that means I have the x-pen in the middle of my living room and Mr. Parker has to spend his time in confinement during the day. At night we still help him onto the bed and he sleeps between us :rolleyes:


    So overall not a bad report for the first month, we are very thankful for the baby steps of progress that are being made and the wonderful vets that have been working with us and they really seem to like Parker and he is taking it all in stride. As a matter of fact I think he is becoming more affectionate each day.


    Thank you everyone for your prayers and good wishes as we continue to work through this with him.

  5. Well it has been an interesting 24 hours and the one Thanksgiving that will always be remembered as the night we had to go to the e-vet :eek

    We noticed about 8:30 PM last night that Parker was really starting to bother his bandages and we detected a foul odor coming from it so I called the vet. So I called them and they told us to bring him right in so they could check it out. So we made the mad dash to feed the rest of the pack and load up Parker to make the 2 hour trek to Phoenix. We got there just after 11 PM. They removed the bandage and found a pressure sore right at the pointy part on the leg very close to the suture line. They let us come in back to show us and the tip of the bone was actually sticking out, it's about the size of a pencil eraser. They gave him a pain shot and some antibiotics and they kept him overnight so that the surgeon could see him this morning and make a final evaluation. We had to head home without our baby boy :( We ended up getting home about 3 AM :eek


    This morning they called and the surgeon looked at it cleaned it and re-bandaged it and said we could come get him. They want to see him again on Monday so that means another trip but I don't mind as long as we can keep this thing under control. I am so glad that we did not wait for our scheduled appointment for tomorrow, I think that sore could have gotten terribly worse in the 36 hours.


    here is the picture of the day - as you can see he is sporting a pretty light blue bandage now and taking it all in stride as always :wub: :wub:



  6. Just thought I would post a quick update on Parker. The healing continues and he is doing very well. He went in for his first bandage change at the end of last week. We are due to take him in again on Saturday. The surgeon said he was very happy with how the leg was looking. The really great news is that all of his tests have come back perfectly normal so we can rule out any underlying problems. We suspect that he probably needed surgery when he first broke his leg and he was just wrapped instead. They said that the bone did not knit to bone but rather just calcified so it was always pretty weak.


    They told us he should probably start putting some easy weight on it so that the leg gets stronger. Some easy walks up some hills is doing the trick. I think he looks festive in his new red wrap. :wub: :wub: :wub:




    As you can see he is taking it all in stride...



    As always thanks for being his cheerleaders! :colgate

  7. Parker is still doing well, although during the night he woke all of us up with sudden yowling in pain. We turned on the light and he looked at us like WHAT? was that me? We still are not sure what happened, no-one was near him, I think he was asleep. Maybe he had a cramp or turned the wrong way :dunno it's a mystery.


    This morning he seems fine. He was looking for a comfortable place to lay so he decided to climb up on the couch and lay between Sparky and Figgy. I am sure they were thrilled :eek Mind you this is the same kid who had major sleep startle when he first arrived here and was kind of snarly towards the others when they would get in his face. :rolleyes:




    I had to make the red band last night out of fleece material, it seems the cast is rubbing his belly raw and making a sore because it is so rough when he lays on it. Doesn't look great but it seems to be working and is much softer than the rough surface of the cast.

  8. Thanks for the continued prayers and good wishes. Yesterday was a really good day. We are all adjusting to the big blue albatross that Parker has to carry around. I think I only got hit in the face with it about a half a dozen times last night in my sleep :lol


    The good news is that his valley fever test came back negative last night!! :yay :yay :yay :yay


    So let the healing continue! His appointment for re-check and re-bandage is Tuesday morning.



  9. So sorry to hear this, you must be sick. Hugs and prayers for you and Stormy. :hope :hope :hope


    This is what my Rottie had a few years back. We chose palliative care with him and thankfully we had much longer with him than they ever expected. Each day was a blessing and he was happy all the way to the end.

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