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Posts posted by k9fun

  1. Thanks for the good thoughts and prayers. Second day was about like the first. Parker is somewhat restless and finds it hard to get comfortable unless he is in our bed which is just fine. As you can see Figgy is trying to give him some comfort and rest with him :wub: :wub:




    Aren't they sweet?


  2. Yes my boy is home. We got home after 8:00 last night. The surgeon gave us strict orders to keep him calm, no exercise and limit activity. Okay so he normally sleeps on the bed, we figure this might not be a good option while he recovers so we drag in the super jumbo deluxe crate from the garage attic, put it together complete with comfy bedding and set it up right next to my side of the bed. So after dinner we lead him to the crate, he puts on the breaks and goes for the bed. Okay so we figure let's let him rest for a little while then we will try again. Yea right! A little while later I look in the crate Sparky has gone in there and is sound asleep. Parker was also sacked out in our bed still and never woke up the rest of the night. We slept with him between us and DH and I kept a hand on him all night. I think he slept better than we did. As I watch him sleep I realize that due to the size of the cast the crate probably would not work anyway.


    This morning he looked so much better. When you look in his eyes he is fully engaged again. He is eating well and all other body functions are working. We did notice today that he usually turns clockwise to lay down (maybe 2 or 3 circles around) now with the cast he needs to turn counterclockwise so that the cast is on the topside. This has been frustrating to him but he is figuring it out. What we notice most is it is really hard for him to get comfortable. He seems most content in our bed but I don't want him jumping up and down so we have been lifting him.




    So my question is any of you that have gone through this before do you have any words of wisdom to offer? Any tricks that you learned? Any cool things to protect the cast from moisture if it rains? Any containment tricks?


    I figure I am going to have to muzzle him if we have to go out and can't watch him because he was starting to pull the fluffy stuff of the top of the cast today :blink:


    All in all not a bad first day...

  3. Yea!! Parker is home!!! Check out the size of that leg wrap! We have to keep him in-active for 6-8 weeks, that will be fun!! The first thing he did was come in and get a big drink of water and then go flop in his bed. We fed the pack just after that and he got a light meal for tonight due to the tummy problems. So far so good. He is back in bed now. He let out a couple of contented groans and is now sound asleep. Welcome home sweet boy!



  4. :confetti :confetti :confetti


    Hurray!! we just got the call we can go pick up Parker. She kept saying "I can't guarantee that he won't throw up again" Well yeah maybe so, but so what? Bottom line he has been barf free since 10:00 am. I am so excited we are leaving in just a few minutes and I will see my boy in just a couple of hours and he will be home tonight!! I will update everyone when we get back.


    Oh and she wanted to give Rimadyl, but I requested Metacam instead -- she agreed with no argument :colgate

  5. :goodluck Keeping my fingers and toes crossed today. The vet called this morning and said he threw up :puke quite a bit this morning and they want to continue monitoring him today and maybe he won't be able to come home today :weep :weep They did give him some anti nausea meds, so I hope my baby feels better soon. They did say that the surgical area looks really good and they are very happy with the results.


    I will be much happier to get him home and back into his routine, couch and regular diet which will probably really help :hope


    Your prayers and white light really seem to be helping, thank you! :bow

  6. Thank you everyone for your prayers and good wishes. We heard from the surgeon about an hour ago. The GREYT news is that Parker came through the surgery very well and he is going to keep the leg (prognosis was that he might lose it depending on what they found) He said it was a very tricky and challenging surgery but that he feels that Parker will come through this with an excellent prognosis. They did sent some of the bone off for biopsy and analysis to rule out the big C and a couple other things, so the wait goes on. He did say that we would probably get to bring him home tomorrow :yay :yay :yay so I can't wait for that call. He also said that Parker was a very good patient and quite a nice dog :wub: :wub:


    I am so relieved, I cried after we hung up. I miss him so much.


    Thanks again!

  7. Parker (our newest) broke his leg yesterday, either the calcaneus or talus bone. He will be having surgery in about an hour to hopefully repair it. He had a previous racing break 2 years ago that left him pretty much lame in that leg and we knew when we adopted him in July that it would probably require orthopedic surgery later. Well later came today.


    He was running in the park yesterday morning at 6:30 and something went snap and he went yipe and the leg started to swell immediately. So off to the e-vet we went and then to the specialist in Phoenix 2 hours away. The orthopedic specialist and the vet have been excellent.


    We won't know for sure until later today how extensive the damage is and what the prognosis is. We just want him home and pain free. This place is sure quiet with him not here, it is amazing what a difference one dog can make in a pack of seven, all the rest of them seem to be morose here today. My sweet Purple Parker, I miss you and can't wait for you to come home.



  8. Tasha's brother Boris had Addisons disease. We were able to control it for 6 years with monthly injections. That is also when we switched to a raw diet which helped considerably. Boris was first diagnosed when it was much less common and his initial diagnosis was kidney failure and that he probably would not survive the week. Then another very sharp vet who will forever be our hero thought to try the adrenal test on him and confirmed her diagnosis. He was able to live a fairly normal life thereafter. He passed 2 years ago.


    A very good link for addisons is AD site


    There is also a very good discussion group yahoo group


    I hope that AD is not ultimately Soul's dx but if it is there is definitely hope!

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