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Posts posted by PatricksMom

  1. Diane, I would just add that if your vet really made fun of you for asking, you might think about a new vet. She should explain all medical procedures to you, and answer any questions. As far as I'm concerned, there's no such thing as a stupid question (just questions they laugh about after I go home :lol )

  2. Molly, again, I'm so so sorry that you lost Ted. You will survive, even if it doesn't feel like it, but take all the time you need. It's obvious how much you're hurting, but remember that Ted is happy, and loves you so much, and will never hurt again.

  3. Molly, I'm so deeply sorry that you lost Ted. He was loved, and I know that he's happy now and remembers your love, not any of the bad parts of his life. Godspeed Ted, and you'll see him again some day.

  4. Diane, I am so sorry, but I'm so grateful that you help spare so many dogs by sharing your story. You did what you thought was best for Eliza, and I know she has forgiven and loves you deeply. She's happy now and I'm sure she waits for you.

  5. I'm so sorry that you lost Millie, obviously she was very loved and meant a lot to you. You'll never forget her, but eventually the pain will fade into happier memories. Take all the time you need, and don't beat yourself up for not "getting over it." You lost a beloved family member and it's only natural to grieve.

  6. Thank you for sharing those beautiful memories. You and Ivy were so lucky to have found each other, and to have shared three wonderful years together. I'm so sorry that you have lost her, she must be waiting expectantly for you.

  7. Laurie, please don't blame yourself any longer. Emily had a good life with you, she was loved deeply, and none of us can see the future. I'm so sorry that you lost her, but I'm sure she's happy now.

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