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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. George sleeps with his eyes open--maybe your hound does too? I've had him for a couple of years, and it still amazes me he can do that!
  2. Did your vet run that full thyroid panel thing? Cause Dr. Couto says that thyroid problems are wildly over diagnosed in Greyhounds. When my old dog was on Soloxine, my vet ran blood work rather frequently for the first two years to make sure the dose was correct. He was not a Greyhound. I'd be a bit suspicious since that's the only condition she's being treated for. Something to consider.
  3. That's "a Greyhound thing" as they (we?) say! In fact, George's jaw has been chattering away this morning after licking his own leg following our first trip out!
  4. Long walk before work!! Pardon me if you're already going that, but I'm a big believer that a dog who is going to be home alone all day (mine is!) needs exercise BEFORE you leave way more than when you get home. If he's not, I suggest you get up earlier and make sure he's had plenty of exercise (walking) before you head out to earn the kibble money! He'll be tired out and less likely to chew out of boredom.
  5. I'm sure they love it, but it doesn't sound very balanced to me either. Iams used to be considered a premium food, but it isn't anymore. There are LOTS of good kibbles, nutritionally complete, all natural, no junk added. If you like making their meals, I say go for it, but maybe do a little research? Not sure there is much, if any, nutritional value in mac and cheese, unless you're a fussy six year old who won't eat anything else! Specially if it's the kind you make from a box. Welcome to GT, by the way!
  6. George's was pretty large when I got him--he'd been neutered about a month. There's really nothing left now! It took a while--can't tell how long, but a while.
  7. Years ago, everyone fed once a day. I wouldn't do it, personally, but it's not "unsafe." Probably just not much fun to go 24 hours between meals. Dogs typically will poop if you get them moving; any change you can work a walk in before work? I get up, take my dog out quickly. Feed him, then have coffee and such, and then we go for a walk. He ALWAYS poops on the walk, sometimes twice.
  8. Itchy feed are actually more typically a symptom of food allergies; pollen allergies generally cause itchy ears and armpits. My guess is the Z/D is helping, but not enough, or it could be habit at this point. Try Benadryl and see if it helps. I would not wait around for x-rays. I'd insist on them.
  9. Have you put human (adult) incontinence pad(s) in the belly band? A belly band on it's own is relatively useless IMHO. You can also use a baby diaper with the absorbent part toward the dog (you have to fold it right, and I find Serenity Ultra pads are easier. Don't even waste your time and money using maxi pads--they're not designed to work in the same way--we don't need to go into details, eh? My boy has had problems with peeing, not marking, and they hold a LOT. Don't let him have access to your bedroom if that's the only place he's marking. If he's urinated on the box spring or mattress, I have no clue how one gets that out sufficiently that the dog can't still smell it. I would go with Robin's advice since she had the problem and fixed it. Good luck, and don't give up. Believe me, any one who's dealt with pee problems feels your pain!
  10. White dogs do get sunburned, and also white animals in general are more prone to skin cancers. It may well be nothing serious at all, but yes, you need to have it looked at. Don't run to the e-vet, a normal appointment should be fine!
  11. No; not for her paws. A hoof product would be ok for nails, but I expect you're just not trimming her nails often enough, or maybe short enough. I'd get a Dremel, and work on smoothing them yourself on a weekly basis. Bag Balm IS available online, but you should be able to find it at a tack shop, a feed store, or another pet store besides the one you already checked. As others have said, at least here in the US you can also get it most regular drugstores.
  12. Ah, but he DID tell you. You just didn't understand "when I circle, it means I have to go out Lady!!!" I say this while inwardly chuckling. I've had George for 2.5 years, and in HIS mind, pacing around the living room with his stuffed dog is a clear signal that he has to go out. Now that I understand HIM, I get it. But he did tinkle right in front of me once 'cause he was going his pacing thing, and I didn't know why. Don't expect him to trot to the door for you--maybe one day, but not after 2 months. Remember--he's never had a choice on when he went out. Sounds like you're doing fine, but don't be dead set on what you think is the appropriate notification! It would be really nice if they'd automatically figure that if they went to the door, they got let out, but...
  13. But apparently George comes out of his shell for Foxymom's Peanut...they are in love but distance separates them. My boys are happy to fill in for George, though! :rofl No thread hijacks!!!!
  14. It took my dog over a year to turn into who he really is--however, he does NOT play. Wild times with toys for George means 5 seconds every two weeks. I have a HUGE box of toys, chew bones, etc. All just sitting there in a wooden box. It is what it is! He's affectionate, but only in a quite "let me snuggle next to you" way. He doesn't give kisses. He does smile, and he does get WILDLY excited when I get home, but Greyhounds are VERY different from dogs like Golden Retrievers and the more common family pets. The come in lots of different levels of activity, etc., and some of them don't really do much but sleep. Some of them are very active and love to be right in the middle of things. Your hound will most likely evolve, but I hope you're willing to accept whoever he becomes!
  15. That sounds like a dog in pain to me, and I would be taking him to the vet. It may be just a coincidence that this started after the nail clip.
  16. Well, first of all, you mentioned a wife. Is she not able to take them for a walk at any point? Second, if you have an hour for the gym, but no time to walk the dogs, maybe you could consider cutting back your gym time and consider walking the dogs your cardio!! I get up about an hour and a half before I need to because my dog was a real handful when I first adopted him, and he NEEDED to be exercised. In my opinion, all dogs need the stimulaton of walks. It's also a bonding exerience between owner and pet. So my schedule is: Up at 5:20, dog out to relief himself Have coffee, get dressed in dog walking clothes 5:45, take dog out for 2 mile walk 6:45, now dressed for work, fueled with more coffee, give dog Kong and leave. Work 8 hours. Return home. (I work 7-3:30) 4 PM, arrive home take dog out IMMEDIATELY to relieve himself. 4:15 PM, feed dog I used to take him on another walk at 6 PM, but he's 8 now, and has LS, so I cut that one out to elliminate some of the stairs. 7 PM, take dog out, dog is then ready for bed. (I know that seems really early to most of you, but please refer to "get up at 5:20 AM" earlier! Do I enjoy walking 2 miles in the pouring rain? No. The freezing cold? Not especially. The boiling heat? Not at all. But the dog's need for exercise doesn't go away when it's not convenient for ME to exercise him. You have the luxury of a yard; that's great! But as the saying goes, "a tired dog is a happy dog." Alternatively, you could hire a dog walker!
  17. Ditto! George HATED the crate. There's another thread going on about this exact same issue in this forum. I realize your adoption group probably told you it was important--but some dogs just don't deal with it well at all.
  18. If he were mine, and it was still going on after two weeks, I'd take him to the vet if for not other reason than to assure myself it's probably just some kind of strain. You can also get a course of NSAIDs from the vet, which might help (a lot).
  19. Don't know who Pete is, and why he can't supervise the dog if he's home--unless Pete is an animal? I'm sorry about your father. My father is also ill, and surely you don't need more stress. The notion that a crate, in a house, is a "familiar situation" has always struck me as a nice notion, but a bit of a fantasy. At the kennel, there are dogs above (or below) the hound, next to and across from, and they are never alone. A wire box in the living room all by yourself is TOTALLY different. I worried about George too. I wish I could get my video of him howling put into digital format. When my neighbors complained, I didn't believe them. I set up the camcorder to prove they were exaggerating. I was STUNNED. The second the door closed when I left, he tipped his head back (like a cartoon coyote) and started howling so loud I couldn't believe it. He kept it up until the tape ran out (2 hours). Sounds pretty anxious, no? I tried baby gates. He crawled under the first day, jumped over the second. More complaints from the neighbors. I gave up. I figured it could not possibly get worse. One week later, my neighbor came up to me and said, "Please tell me you didn't get rid of the dog because I complained--I'm willing to deal with it for a while." I hugged her with relief. He never made another peep, never hurt himself, never did anything. And George was at one track until he was 5. So he was EXTREMELY familiar with being crated. In a totally different situation! Lots of exercise in the AM and alone training, a delicious Kong, and maybe some country music on the radio just might do the trick.
  20. Robin, around here we have a commercial where the jingle is "Brown eggs are local eggs, and local eggs are fresh!" I don't think it means a thing other than the type of chicken who layed it.
  21. My dog REALLY hated being crated. He was howling at the top of his lungs for HOURS every day when I went to work. I stopped crating him. He stopped howling. Nothing happened other than he was happier, I was happier, and my neighbors were happier. There's nothing that says you HAVE to crate the dog.
  22. Has he seen an orthopedic specialist? I'm so sorry for you and your boy.
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