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Posts posted by MrAlexTheDog

  1. Dr. Couto responded within an hour of when I sent the xrays to him this morning:


    "The radiographs show some soft tissue swelling in the medial left tarsus, and old proliferative changes that are likely due to osteoarthritis. Osteosarcoma typically does not affect joints, and joint tumors (synovial cell tumors) are quite uncommon and cause bone destruction (and he doesn’t have any). Do you know if he has decreased range of motion in that hock? Taking a lateral xray of the right hock (for comparison) would be helpful. Is the swelling fluctuant (i.e.; fills fluid-filled)? Instead of a biopsy, [your vet] can do a needle aspirate, simple and painless, and it gives lots of info."


    I'm sending his notes to my vet. Aston has no noticeable decrease in ROM in that hock, and the swelling is very "squishy" and feels like there's fluid under the skin.


    good luck with aston, sydney! i need to meet you guys and aston sometime since you're in los angeles. :)

  2. as of today it's been three months since katie's death. recently we were informed that an artist friend of ours was commissioned by a group of greyhound friends to do a memorial portrait of her. we didn't really know what to say, but it goes a long way to show the kind of people that bring these remarkable dogs into their homes when their racing days are done.


    the portrait is based on this picture of katie i took in 2011:



    the artist has written in her blog a work-in-progress thread about the portrait. we're looking forward to the finished painting as we've been wanting to hang one of her works in our house for a long time. but we're all enjoying seeing the painting develop from start-to-finish, too. and to be honest, i'd be more than happy to have her stop at any point -- her work is that good.

  3. i'm peeking in to see how everyone is doing. i'm happy about the good news that i've read so far, and saddened by the not-so-good news and the additions of those who are now affected by it. know that i think of you all.


    we've not seriously looked at adopting another grey yet, but we talk a lot about it at times. we'll get another -- of that i am sure (we might even pursue a grey puppy!). in the meantime i find myself browsing through all the pictures of katie that i took from the day we got her in november, 2004, to her final day with us two months ago. i'm really glad that i took them, and only regret that i didn't take more. sadie has handled being an only dog much better than i thought, but she could use a companion.

  4. as it so happens, this is how we found OSA in katie, too: sudden limping, took wrist rads which were negative, then on a whim asked to have shoulder rads taken -- which showed an abnormally dark area in the proximal humerus. she had her amputation done two weeks after the limp first appeared.


    wishing you the best of luck with lucas.

  5. i think i will always be angry and saddened that we didn't get the chance to even start the CHOP protocol for her. we were ready to start her on it yesterday. she declined over the weekend, but found enough in herself to jump up on our bed after sunrise yesterday morning. i had to carry her off the bed so i could try and force-feed her. i didn't get a picture of her lying in her usual spot on our bed -- across both of my pillows. she was happy and comfortable there.


    but her ultrasound showed masses in her liver and her intestines thickened, although her spleen was clear. we were hoping to stablize her for a couple of days and start her on elspar but the lymphoma just took her.

  6. ...

    Steve, does this mean that they've definitely determined it is a separate lymphoma, not related to her osteo? Either way, it's a cruel blow to all of you. I've heard some lymphomas are very responsive to treatment. Do they have any feelings about how she might respond to the CHOP protocol?


    yes, it is separate from the osteo, per the pathologist. she is at stage 1 (meaning only one node involved). both of her vets checked all of her other nodes, and they all feel normal.


    any way you look at it, it's pretty messed up that she has to deal with two cancers.


    jay, you will do right by tempo.

  7. katie will have a splenic ultrasound to use as a baseline to track progress against the lymphoma (she has no lymph nodes that could've been used as they've been removed) on monday, followed immediately by a consult with her oncologist so we can get started on the CHOP protocol. we'll be switching over to that protocol from the carboplatin used against her OSA.


    she hasn't been feeling too great since a couple of days since her node removal: lethargic and nauseous -- signs of lymphoma. if there's anything positive to come out of this, at least it was only one lymph node affected. not that we're deluding ourselves into thinking that that's all there is, (no doubt there are cells floating around in her system) but it could be much, much worse.

  8. katie's biopsy report said she has a high-grade lymphoma. whether it's the OSA that metastasized into that one lymph node, or whether we're now dealing with OSA and lymphoma, we don't know. her vet is going to verify that the person who did the cytology knew that katie had OSA already.

    we don't know enough yet to be speculating about time, but i can't help but think that we had more of it than we do.

    in the meantime, katie sleeps.

  9. gayle found a swollen lymph node on katie's right side late this afternoon, close to the incision. aspirating it got only blood. her vet couldn't identify any mets in the aspirate for certain, but that, plus chest rads (which were clear), and a CBC are being forwarded to katie's oncologist. we should hear back tomorrow.


    katie's gained a bit more weight, in the meantime.

  10. Katie weighed herself (yes, she does this on her own now as part of the routine for a vet visit) on the scale in the lobby of the animal hospital before going in back to get blood pulled prior to her next dose of chemo.


    She's gained another pound since her last weigh-in: she's at 55 now.


    Very pleased.

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