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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. Jasmine is getting her teeth cleaned today and she could use some good thoughts. We daily take care of her teeth but unfortunatly her teeth are not as good as her true brother Aladdins, and she may possibly have to have a couple taken out today. Any good thoughts is really appreciated, her mommy gets very nervous when they have have to go under. Thanks so Much!!!!!!
  2. Hilda, I am so very Sorry! My thoughts and prayers are with you! Pipi was a very Special Girl and her memories will live on Forever!
  3. I am very very Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I am so very very Sorry!!!!!!!!!!! Run Free Bacchus!
  5. I am so very very Sorry!
  6. 4greyhounds


    I am so very Sorry!
  7. Thank You very much! The vet feels he is very determined that the pancus for the 7 day treatment is the only thing that has been able to get rid of the Spirometra and that the Drontal Plus at any dosage has not worked on any of the cases he has treated here in Florida but the problem is there has been very few for this vet or the other vet and they are both talking now.... That is the reason the other vet wanted to do the X-rays she felt their is more going on than just this.... One vet feels just like as many of you do that the thyroid is a little low but not so low that treatment is needed the other vet feels that it is too low and that treatment is needed. At this point I have stopped the pills and Aladdin only ever got one. There is a lab that a GT person has recommended me to that I am going to send blood work out and have a complete thyroid level done. In the mean time I am still treating Aladdin with the Pancus I am not sure what the harm can be done if the Spirometra is not gone in 7 days as the vet has stated it should be then we are going to have to look at other alternatives. Either way he can not continue to lose weight and I do hope that it is not something else which leads me to do I follow the other vets advise and have the X-Ray done or wait? Thanks so Much for all the suggestions and I really do appreciate all the help!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Yes, It was the Drontal Plus: The vet today told me that was a waste and he was not sure why the vet would have ever put Aladdin on this! It is very expensive as you can see, after he took these 3 pills, the weight just kept pouring off of him. I called the vet back and she said that the 3 pills should have gotten rid of it and if it did not that Aladdin needed to get a X-Ray. She was not able to see him again until Monday. He was getting worse as far as no energy this other vet was highly recommended to me and he was in shock that the vet would recommend this to Aladdin and that is when we started this other treatment plan. Now, I find out we are going down a wrong turn and I still don't really know what is going on with my Aladdin. I thought I had got a better vet today but I don't know....... I will call back in the morning and ask about this, also I have gotten lab information from someone else to get a full thyroid test done. I just want my boy better, seeing him waste away like this is Awful! I really appreciate your assistance.
  9. No, I am not disagreeing with you and the last thing I want to happen is for Aladdin to lose more weight. I am calling the vet back tomorrow and I think I am requesting more test. He told me if we did not get Aladdin on this his immune system would not be able to handle the treatment to get better to heal from the Spirometra. I do appreciate you bringing this to my attention, I am not about to do something to make him lose more weight.
  10. The blod panel was done at Indexx labs...... www.vetconnect.com this is where the complete Senior Profile w/Reflux UPC CHEM 27 and the CBC blood panel was done. Aladdin was not having any problems until this came off except he has always been a bit more hyper than my other Greys. He is the one that was the trouble maker. You know if there was something to get into he was there getting into it..... Very Active. Since he has lost the weight he does not have the same energy levels he is laying around more, sleeps through the night and does not have the activity level he had before...... Everyhing else is the same he is eating like he always has, he is just losing massive weight. Now they started him on 1/2 a pill today and every day for the next 29 days and then he was suppose to go back and have the blood re checked. After he finished the Pancus the day after I was to get a stool sample and take it in. Are you saying don't give him the Thyroid Meds. The Vet was saying if he did not get it, we would have a problem resolving the Spirometra. Thanks so much for the articles and I will be reading them now, I am reading and getting everythig I can get my hands on...... I just want him better and these medical bills are pilling up as I feel like my baby is wasting away and I am spinning wheels..... Very Frustrating! I really do appreciate the help and please anything I need it!
  11. There was a regular blood test that was done a complete blood panel and the numbers were lower than the T4. The vet told me the Drontal did not kill the parasites because it was not strong enough..... I am very confused now..... I am calling the vets in the morning, this is driving me to my wits end, I just want Aladdin better. I ask the vet today I knew the levels were lower on a greyhound and he said yes by 1/2 a lot of times but not this low.
  12. Thanks so Much! His on the blood panel says < 0.4 Reference range 1.0- 4.0 ug/dl so it was even lower when they did the complete blood panel. Is this out of range for a greyhound? He is on the meds now to bring it up, the vet says to fight this his need to be brought up to have the imunity to fight it. I do appreciate all the assistance and suggestions more than you will ever know...... I am at the wits end.... Trying my best but not sure where we should be now....
  13. Kudzu I really appreciate all your information!!!!!I have made a copy for you to see. I really appreciate all the good thoughts and well wishes that mean a lot! They did a fecal and it was sent to the lab and the parasite was seen under the microscope.
  14. Are you familiar with Spirometra this is only from eating raw fish or from a lizard that already has it. Aladdin was treated with Drontal and it did not work. The vet felt the other vet did not properly handle it should have been treated with Panacur. I appreciate your advise but just wondering are you a vet? If so I would love to mention what you stated to my vet. I see you are in South Carolina are you familiar with this? I appreciate your advise but wondering where you are getting all your information. I am not a Vet but went one of the most popular well known vets here in Ft. Myers today and I would love to enlighten them if they are still wrong.
  15. I hope you can read this, I have written at the bottom but it has the thyroid levels. Also the full panel blood work was done on 1/12/12. there was no need to do another full panel today. He only wanted to check the levels. At that time the levels were low.
  16. That is one of the down sides of living on the water... I let them play and you never know what they can pick up, but the vets says this is very uncommon.
  17. I finally got a very good vet today! He has a great reputation and he basically told me what the other vet did for Aladdin was a waste of money and time!!!!!! It really ticks me off but I am happy I have a very good Vet now that came highly recommeneded. Aladdin has Spirometra and basically what that is he ate either raw fish or a lizard (the other vet was correct on that part). The fish or lizard has Spirometra and this is only found in Aquatic life and it is not common. A lot of vets are not aware of it and do not treat it properly. The first problem he said was Aladdins thyroid was very low it is below a a 4 and it should be around a 2. In order to fight the parasites he has to build up the thyroid so the vet has put him on Soloxine 0.8 mg. he will have the thyroid re checked in 30 days. He also says that we can start the treatment for the Spirometra and Aladdin will take Pancur for 7 days the day after I have to take in a stool sample. He says the Drontal never is able to fight this and he was shocked the vet even prescribed this to me then said now X-RAYS. Ducky you had ever right to be confused..... You were right on it this vet obviously had no idea what she was talking about. We are praying that Aladdins system will heal from the treatment if not their could be a bad outcome. The vet has seen one other dog that did not react to the meds and did eventually pass. He told me not to be overly concerned when Aladdin is out but you know I will be, because he says this is not common. He has been a vet here in Florida and has worked at the track and only seen this a few times over the past 26 years. He is going to contact the other pratice and educate them, and you bet I have a new vet now........ Thanks so much for all the prayers and good thoughts. Aladdin will be in treatment and watched over the next few months are critical.
  18. Again Thanks so Much for the good thoughts! They mean a lot! I just called the vets and the price is just for the x-rays and to read them! Aladdin is being very sluggish today no energy, I wish I could get him in there before Monday. Usually he is the hyper one always wanting to go outside everytime I open the door for anything and he is just laying around.... I am not sure if I should look for another vet and get him there before Monday, or if this is just something that is going to be the way it is and nothing will change until Monday. I am just overly worried.
  19. We are staying naway from Greasy foods, I have been cooking hamburger meat for him but draining all the grease off..... Also I give him rice as treats, I make the liver treats, but he has also had Blue Diamond his dog food mixed in with Kirkland. I have added eggs. I have added and giving him treats from Trader Joes the Peanut Butter ones. But I try to stay away from a lot of grease even though I now these things have some grease content...... His dad even shares his turkey sandwich with him, etc. The Vet says she can't do the X-ray until Monday and this is driving me Crazy, I want to know now......... I am going to call them and see what exactly that covers.... Thanks so much for all the good thoughts, and please anything you can think of I may need to do tell me.....
  20. He had complete blood work on January the 12th and it all came back normal......... No problems. He is eating and eating and you bet my boy is getting anything and everything he wants right now..... I can't get "NO" weight on him..... Thanks so much for the good thoughts Desert Crew!!!!!!!
  21. Ducky look at his pictures on the first post. This is a copy of his medical from the visit they gave him a antibotic but that was it, besides the dewormer. Drontal Plus, Canine 136mg Give 1 and 1/2 tablets orally today, and 1 and 1/2 tablets orally tomorrow for deworming. *FOR VETERINARY USE ONLY!!! 2012-01-13 3.0 Laura Braun D.V.M. Pick up refill Metronidazole 500mg Give 1 tablet by mouth twice a day until gone. 2012-01-11 16.0 Laura Braun D.V.M. Pick up refill I can't down load my bill but I know what I paid for it, I am sorry you are confused, I am very worried.
  22. Thank you I will ask the vet. Thanks for pointing this out to me. I just ask her for a quote today and that is what she told me, I will find out but you are right he does not need to be put under and I def. don't want him to be......
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