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Posts posted by 4greyhounds

  1. I am so very Sorry! As I read your tribute the tears can't stop, You were Larry's Angel and Ollie was a sweet Baby and what a joyful life they shared for the last 8 months...... :f_red:grouphug Thanks for being there with Larry and I am sure the memories your family has will always be cherished!



    :f_red:gh_run Run Free Larry!!!! :f_red

  2. That is so Very Scary! Thanks so Much for posting this, I am not sure how I missed the other post but I am on a albuterol inhaler. I keep one in my purse and the other one in my headboard. Aladdin loves to get in my purse if I forget and don't put it up high. You bet I am going to make sure I put my purse up high for now on and I am going to put the inhaler in a zipper part of the purse and the other one in the medicine cabinet. I am so happy your baby is going to be OK.

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