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Posts posted by 4greyhounds

  1. Try and keep the boxes limited to one room or area of the house. When you're finished packing for the day, put the boxes away in the "box place." Also, if they're with you when your packing, make it fun time - play with stuffies, give them treats - make the boxes good things when they have to see them.


    Pack the dog things last an dunpack them first. Make sure you have a secure place for them while you're moving out and moving in. No walkabouts!


    Great Advise Thank You! After reading your comment I am going to get DH to move all the boxes to the spare room. They are all over the house right now.... Also they have started going in the house like peeing on the boxes so I am hoping that will prevent that too....

  2. The dogs are already getting nervous and having the diarrhea, I have tried to sooth them and make them feel more comfortable but as they see the boxes getting packed this has seemed to upset them. Other times we have moved with the dogs they seemed fine, why would this move be different? Also we are going to be on the water, so we will have a small back yard but then there is water and they hate the ocean (water). What should I do to make them feel more comfortable? To try to get them to enjoy the ocean more, the waves have always scared them? Also dumb Question but in laws have told us there is going to be more alligators do you know if we put up the fence before the (canal and then the ocean)water will that keep the alligators OUT? We have live in Florida for 2 years but never this close to the water. Any Suggestions to keep them calm and any suggestions about the alligators? I know probably dumb questions but I want to be prepared.Do you know if the alligators can climb a fence? :blush Thanks so Much!

  3. OHHHHH NOOOOOO!!!!!!! I was in shock when I saw his name. We have all been praying and I know how hard you both were trying but just know you will see him again..... I am so very very Sorry!!!!!! :grouphug




    :f_red:gh_run Run Free Harley! :f_red

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