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Posts posted by 4greyhounds

  1. Dee. I am so very Sorry for your loss of Precious, Sweet, Adorable Abby... She is going to be dearly missed. I always loved the stories about Abby. She had a Personality that would melt your heart.Please know you will see her again one day and she is in no more pain at the Rainbow Bridge with all the other Beautiful Angels that have gone before her... :kiss2:grouphug

    Fly Beautiful Abby with the Angels, ...:angelwings till your mommy and daddy can meet you again...



  2. Coconut oil is fine to give. But I really doubt it is going to help Pongo if he is experiencing that severe of an environmental allergic reaction. Ask you vet about looking into something to help calm his immune system. Some dogs need Dexamethasone shots during the allergy season. Personally, I like to start with Pred or one of the oral glucocorticoid steroids to be sure he can tolerate them before going the injection route. Antihistamines work after the fact and are not strong enough to help this type of reaction. Dex will keep the reaction from happening.


    Thank You very Much. I called the vet and I have a appointment to bring him in on Saturday, and she says we will try the shot.


    I am still going to try the Coconut Oil too.... I am sure it can't hurt, if anything it should help Jasmine and Aladdin's fur even though they do get fish oil everyday.


    Since we moved to Florida Pongo has been allergic to something down here and I have tried numerous things that the vet has suggested and nothing has helped, he continues to scratch so bad that his fur started to come out in lumps. We have had numerous skin test done at the vets and we have not been able to find out exactly what it is he is allergic to everything keeps coming out negative. He has also had blood work done and everything is normal. he has no other symptoms but constant scratching and it only happens in the beginning of May and the end of September.


    I was in the Specialty Dog Food store today in Apollo Beach and the lady told me to try Coconut Oil. She told me it was "Good" for itchy skin and that dogs stopped scratching after it was put in their food. She also said it was good for Dermatitis, cuts, wounds, ears, bites, stings, and that wounds have been known to heal a lot faster.


    This may have been out for a while but I have never heard of it and wanted to know if other people have had experience with it before I purchased it. Thanks so Much for any feed back.


    It shouldn't hurt and hopefully you'll update us if this works for your boy.

    Best Wishes to you and the Hound Kidz-



    Thanks Kevin! I will keep you all posted on the Coconut oil.

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