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Posts posted by galgrey

  1. I had a 5 year old male (Keno) that started leaking suddenly just like you've described. Urinalysis showed no sign of UTI. My vet is also a chiropractor and adjusted him the same day. Leaking completely stopped that day. He said that urinary incontinence can result when the bladder sphincter is innervated at the lower lumbar vertebra. He said it sometimes takes more than one adjustment, but Keno completely stopped leaking with just the one.


    A couple of months later I took him to playgroup and he ran like a madman and the next day was leaking again. Took him that day for an adjustment and he stopped leaking that day and never leaked again.


    Just something to consider. :)




    It's mentioned here near the bottom of the list:


  2. Thanks to everyone for their good wishes, experiences, and article references. I worried all day about Romie, but he met me with the rest of the pack when I came home, happy to see me and know that supper would be served soon. :) This all seems completely unreal.


    The local vet here says he has given the Wisconsin-Madison protocol to 6-7 dogs, including one of his own, who made it a year after diagnosis. That doesn't sound like a lot of experience, but I feel like we could consult with an oncologist or OSU or Dr. C. Everything the local vet told me yesterday jives with what I've read in the articles, so I feel like he is up to date on the disease.


    He said the test results wouldn't be back until Friday or Saturday. I feel like I am going to go insane waiting. But I feel in my heart that it is lymphoma. The vet said he thought he could feel that Romie's spleen was enlarged, which would make him at least a stage 4. But evidently all the stages respond about the same to chemo, except for stage 5, which is in the bone marrow. And the vet said we would know early on if Romie didn't respond well, and could end the chemo.


    When I left the vet's yesterday, I was ready to charge ahead with the chemo. After reading more, I'm more hesitant. When I took Romie for a little walk after the vet yesterday, he poured out pudding poop -- evidently from the stress of the vet visit because his poop was ok this morning.


    I couldn't love Romie more than I do now, and he's not much for extended cuddling, but I can make his meals paradise and tell him over and over again what a wonderful dog he is. And wait for the test results. He's curled up on the rug next to me, making his occasional little grunty sounds.


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