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Posts posted by greytpups

  1. Bailey is afraid of sqeekie toys so I took all the sqawkers out. She only plays when she gets excited about going to the park. Ben used to be really playful but everytime he picked up a stuffie, Bailey would zoom by and steal it right out of his mouth so he doesn't play too much. Occasionally, they will have a tug of war with a stuffie. They used to run around upstairs, Bailey chasing Ben, but they don't do that very much any more either.



  2. What a sweet and gentle face Willow had and how wonderful of you to give her a home at 13 years old. She clearly found her way into your heart and I'm sorry she was with you for only two years - it sounds like she lived a life-time of love with you during that time. May that empty ache you are feeling be filled with the memories of the special time you had with this lovely girl.


    :f_pink :f_pink :f_pink



    I'm sorry and I share these sentiments.

  3. Welcome...and what a greyt idea. You will be so knowledgeable about greys, by the time you adopt one, you'll be so head of the pack (pun intended...albeit, a bad one :lol )


    Here's a few pics to introduce you to my puppers.


    New collars



    I'm so cute :wub:



    I get along well with non-greys



    I'm a smiler



    Here's a rare picture of Bailey laying on me in the car



    We love to travel...and boy does momma like to shop :rolleyes:



    Momma should create another video...we're so cute.

    Ben and Bailey

  4. We have one of each. Bailey is more dominant while Ben is more laid back. We chose a female initially and then adopted a male on the advice of others which was great advice. We found a small male so they're both very close in height and weight.


    I notice in playgroup the girls are more dominant (lately its just been the same pups coming out), but I can't remember if the girls are more dominant in the larger group or not.



  5. I have not heard of Rimadyl...thank you for sharing your story. I will now research any drug prescribed to the pups before I give it to them especially NSAIDS.


    Gee, I'm so sorry but I'm sure you did everything out of love.



  6. The vet just called...Chevy has taken a turn for the worst and his bloat is worsening. A surgeon has been called in to do an emergency surgery on Chevy within the hour.

    I am so worried :cry1

    Please, please send positive thoughts and energy his way.



    Sheri, more positive thoughts and prayers for Chevy to get well real fast. Keep us posted please, lots of people are concerned for you, Greg and Chevy.


    C'mon Chevy...get well soon!

  7. My girl Bailey statures a lot...she did it constantly when we first got her and another grey owner came over once a week so we could go for a walk with another pup.


    Thank goodness the heaviest she has reached is about 64.5 pounds because I had to carry her a lot. Here's was strictly fear based. Now she does it and I just have to coax her and tug her leash quickly to get her going. When she does walk well, I give her a treat but never while she's statuing.


    How long have you had him. Bailey was OK for the first 3 days because she was shell-shocked but once the shock wore off, this became a huge problem.


    Try not to fuss too much so he doesn't see it as reinforcement of his behviour but make sure you are the leader. For example, if you decide to turn around bring him around in a circle so he thinks he following you even though you end up going in the direction he probably wants to go.


    I really had to learn how to give gentle tugs with purpose and sometimes two or three in a row but after 3 years she's a lot better. Perhaps you can walk with a friend who has a dog, even if it is a different breed. This helped us.

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