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Posts posted by AngelWhispers

  1. Denise I'm glad that she ate for you. How was her bedding when you got there? Sending gentle hugs you and Brooke.


    Her bed was dry! So I didn't have to rant and rave about it. I brought a cover for her bed just in case, and I left it there and told them to please change her bed if it's wet, because I had plenty of covers and there was no need for her to stay on a wet bed. Hopefully they "got" what I was saying.

  2. I'm not an expert on kidneys but it is my understanding that when looking at the creatinine levels, you also need to look at the BUN and ALT numbers. Don't ask me what BUN and ALT are? I just know those numbers are important when it comes to the kidneys.


    Hopefully one of our knowledgable members will comment and clear up the number meanings for you.


    And I don't think greyhounds have more kidney problems, I think it's an age related problem.

  3. I just returned from visiting Brooke all day.


    When I got there this morning they had her up standing in a bucket of hot water and had an IV going with dextrose, and the vet tech was trying to get her to eat canned cat food, but she wasn't eating. I popped open a small can of Innova Venison and she ate it and wanted some more. Dummy me only took one can, so I gave her a small can of Turkey. When she was done with her leg soak and IV she was exhausted so I put her to bed in the kennel and sat with her until she went to sleep.


    I took a break and left the office for a little while and called Judy for a chat, then went back to the office. Brooke was awake with her head laying on her stuffy. I asked her if she wanted to go outside and bless her heart she got up on her own. I put a leash on her and she drug me to the front door and we took a short walk and she peed a river. Then she came in and wolfed down another can of food. I left instructions with the kennel person on how to fix her dinner tonight, hopefully she'll follow my instructions and Brooke will eat for her. Brooke is so thin now and all the staff is concerned because she won't eat unless I'm there to hand feed her.


    Brooke is putting her foot down, so I'm pleased with how she's improved since I saw her on Sat. The bruising on her thigh is gone, her incision looks good, but she's still getting a lot of blood down in her lower leg. The vet said he removed 2 quarts of blood from her lower leg yesterday...I sure hope he was exaggerating. :eek


    Brooke's kidney values are very elevated, so the vet is concerned about her kidneys. Her urine is dark orange and he said her creatinine is off the charts.


    The thoughts and prayers are working, my Boogers is slowly starting to improve. Now we just need to get her kidneys functioning properly and she can come home.


    The vet asked me to fix Brooke some chicken and rice and bring it in tomorrow. I'll update tomorrow evening, hopefully with more good news.


    Thanks everyone!!


  4. Steve, you're wonderful! Denise, what a guy! Listen, I have a bunch of satin ball patties I had made for Emmy and they're in the freezer. If you think Brooke will eat them you're more than welcome to them! I can have Kevin meet you at the same exit we picked up Joey at and you can get them. They're just sitting in the freezer. Just let me know.


    Thank you Judy for the satin ball offer, right now I have a freezer full that I keep on hand for "Picky Patsie". I tried on Sat. to get Brooke to eat some, she took maybe 3 small bites, burbed in my face and refused anymore. I'm going to take some to her Mon. and give it another try, along with an arsenal of other goodies. And if worse comes to worse I'll run down the street to Sonic and get me an iced latte with extra whip cream. :rolleyes:

  5. Thank you everyone for your continued good thoughts, prayers and support.


    Brooke's vet called this morning and reported that she was able to stand on her own and he was even able to get her to walk a little.

    He drained some of the blood that is pooling in her lower leg and he said she's alert.

    She still doesn't want to eat so she got dextrose by IV.


    Janet(foxysmom) has been a blessing and called me this morning to let me ask questions, and was kind enough to contact Dr. Couto at OSU for me. I felt so much better after talking to her. Thank you Janet.


    My dear friend Nancy14 surprised me with a call this morning and we laughed about my Frankie. Nancy was very instrumental in helping to recover him when he was running loose in WI. Thank you Nancy for putting a smile on my face.


    My DH has been a dream. We are staying hopeful that Brooke will be coming home this week and had concerns about potty trips for Brooke. I have steep steps that go into the yard and there's no way her and I will be able to manuever them. We talked about putting in a handicap ramp, but that would be beyond our expertise. I have a 60 foot long by 8 foot wide covered back porch and he bought some 3 ft tall vinyl fencing and fenced off a 15Ft length at one end of the porch with a gate near the back door. He put down outdoor carpeting so she'll have good footing and we'll be using it for a potty area. Boogers will be able to potty, get fresh air and sunshine and still feel like she's part of the pack without being bumped. Brooke and I will be moving into the guest room which is also near the back door.


    I'll be visiting Brooke first thing Mon. morning and I'll update when I return home.


    Thank you everyone!







  6. Oh Denise! I was so hoping for better news. You know you are all in our prayers and if you need anything, you give me a call! It was nice seeing you this morning. I hope the hugs helped.


    The hugs were just what I needed. Thank you!


    I hope my boy is behaving himself, or has Jilly Bean already had him for lunch? :lol


  7. I just returned from my Sat. morning visit with Brooke. She's not doing very good today. I got there and she was laying on wet peed on blankets, she hasn't eaten since when I fed her Wed. night and blood is pooling around her hock and now she's oozing blood from areas no where near her incision: down in the hock where the blood is settling. Her leg is swollen and a big mass of bruises.


    I got the vet tech to help me get her up and onto a clean bed, I had brought her one yesterday and brought her another one today. I got the vet to look at the oozing and he asked me if she ate yesterday for me..I said, "No! And she's not eating for me today either!" We got her onto a stretcher and started her on IV fluids, gave her a B-12 shot and torbo for pain. I tucked her in before I left. It was so hard for me to leave her today! She was laying in a puddle of pee yesterday also!


    The office is closed tomorrow, so I can't go visit or change her bedding :angry: , but I'll be there first thing Mon. morning. and if she's laying on wet blankets again I might lose it!!


    The vet is still concerned she might lose her leg and he keeps bringing it up...like he's preparing me for the worse. If she improves then she might be able to come home Wed. if not, we take it one day at a time.


    Please keep Brooke in your thoughts. It's so hard to see her this way, and she still has a long, long road ahead of her.





  8. Thank you so much everyone!!!


    I spent the day at the vet with Brooke. I peaked thru the window into the kennel area and saw Brooke lying on her side on a blanket, as soon as I opened the door her tail started wagging and she started pawing the air...she does that when she wants her tummy rubbed. She gave me kisses and I gave her a tummy rub and a good massage.


    I spent 2 hours with her in her kennel then took a break and got a iced latte at Sonic. I forgot to tell them "no whipcream". Whipcream doesn't belong in coffee. :rolleyes: Took my drink and went back to Brooke...Brooke got my whipcream! She's not eating and I couldn't get her to eat anything today...but she ate the whipcream. The girls said maybe they should get a can Redi-Whip and spray it on her food. :lol After Brooke had her whip cream I gave more tummy rubs, more massages, she gave more kisses and after 5 hours I left her sleeping soundly.


    Brooke has an incision that starts just below the hip bone and goes almost to the knee. She's bruised and a little swollen...I was not prepared for the length of that incision. I spoke briefly with the vet and saw the xrays with the hardware in her leg. He said the inside of her leg look like a grenade went off in there, and there is a lot of damage. He has several concerns...1) her age. 2) there is so much damage he's worried about circulation in the leg. 3) the lower part of the femur was soft and he had to use large threaded screws to get the plate to hold tight...the xray looked like she had big wood screws in there.


    I asked if he sent a bone sample out for testing and he said, "No". He said that it would take 3 weeks to get the results back and he would know before then just by the way the leg heals. I have to trust that he knows what he's doing, though I did tell him I wished he had sent a sample out.


    So that's it for today. I'm exhausted and I'm still trying to pencil in a time to have a major meltdown...just haven't found the time yet. :blink:


    PhillyPups...I didn't take the "big vehicle" today...I took the "fast one". All those prayers and love got to Brooke super fast, Corvette style. Thank you so much!


    Everyone's support means so much to me...it's sometimes hard for me to ask for help. I'm the go-to person, not the the other way around and it means a lot to have you all here.


    Thank you



  9. Brooke, my first greyhound and the one who started my obsession with the breed, broke her rear leg this morning at 6:30am. She shattered the femur just above the patella and it's not looking good for her right now. The vet suspects osteo though he couldn't tell from the x-rays. If there isn't any cancer then he's going to try to repair the break with a plate. If it's cancer then I don't know what I'm going to do. She's not a good candidate for amputation because her front legs aren't in good shape from racing injuries.


    The dogs were doing there normal morning goofiness in the yard, and I suspect one of the boys collided with her. I was looking in the opposite direction until I heard the GSOD. That is a sound I don't ever want to hear again!


    Brooke will be 10 years old on Jan. 1st and I really need her to be OK.


    I could really use some advice or suggestions on her treatment...right now I can't even think straight. I'm suppose to call the vet at 4ish to see how she's doing. He had another bone surgery today, so he couldn't start Brooke right away. He'll either do surgery this evening or tomorrow.





    Update: Brooke is out of surgery. The vet said she has a compression fracture and the femur was crushed. He didn't see any evidence of a tumor but he's not going to rule out osteo because the bone had disintegrated at the break. He put in a plate but was unable to bring the bones together because there was so much damage, so he's concerned about there being sufficient blood supply to the bones.


    I'm going to see her in the morning and take her some of her food and her bed, and give her lots of lovin. If she does OK over the weekend, she'll be able to come home Mon.


    My Boogers still needs lots of prayers...we have a long road ahead.


    Thanks everyone.

  10. Carolyn, I am sooo sorry! Stella and the pictures of Faith have always brought a smile.


    I don't have any words of comfort, and I and so many others feel your pain. I'm in tears for you knowing how much your hurting right now.


    We've lost so many this year, way, way too many!!


    Stella you've earned your wings, soar with the angels sweet girl.:angelwings

  11. Laurie, I think your dream meant that even though the doors that reminded you of her were gone, she is still within you.


    Your annual posts has been a godsend for many many people, myself included. I had two sliders when I first got into greys, and because of your warning I always keep stickers on my doors.


    Thank you, and never think we get sick of the reminder. Even us veterans need a reminder and all the newbies need to know what can happen in the blink of an eye.



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