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Posts posted by rycezmom

  1. DeVon - As we have all grown to know and love the Pink Princess, so we shall all grieve her leaving us for the bridge. We cannot take the pain away but we can share it with you as best we can. You have paid both the members of this board and Miss Skittles the highest of tributes. You shared her with us as if she were ours as well. You gave her to us through her pictures and stories. And because of your generousity we have been given the blessings of laughs, smiles and giggles that we all need at one time or another. You have paid tribute to Miss Skittles from the first post you made about her. Love is the thing that holds us together and love is the thing that breaks our hearts. Thank you for making her the pup that belonged, just a little, to us all. :brokenheart




  2. Ryce seemed to have that problem for several years before he went to the bridge. He quit lifting his leg and started to squat to urinate. It was easier for him. It seems to be an afliction in the older hounds, this rear end weakness. Lumbarsacral stenosis is common. Ryce had a peripheral nerve injury so we knew what his problem was. I'd consider a vet check just to rule out other causes.

  3. Wendy, I know it's so hard to say goodbye to one so dear in your heart. But there he will remain, a part of who you are. They change us with their gentle ways. They soften our edges and smooth our soul. They quietly settle into our hearts and our lives without any expectations. What they give us in life is so much more than the pain of their leaving. They slip out and away yet remain where they belong. In our heart and in our soul, memories that color our world just a shade brighter. Another angel takes flight.

  4. My heartdog Ryce would have been 14 today. Last June when he left us, seems a lifetime ago and just yesterday at the same time. His trip to the bridge seems to distort time to seemingly only hours ago in the grand plan of life. The house still has hounds underfoot and stuffies all over. Hound hair, collars and beds prevail. The routines have not changed.


    He is still here at times, lurking within our senior girl, Miss Milly, who joined our pack last November. He whispers in her ear that I really loved him standing next to me at night and surveying the backyard, the moon, the stars and the silliness of the other hounds chasing the "things that go bump in the night". She does this just as he did. He pushes her into the kitchen, standing quietly behind me while I fix lunch or supper. He has told her that I will always have a small treat for her if she is just patient. So she does this just as Ryce did.


    He lingers in the family room at night and reminds her that its time for bed when the lights are turned off and the doors are locked. She waits patiently for me to "close up", just as he did. He follows her around at times, encouraging her to remain dignified and diplomatic in the face of unrelenting harassment and mischief from Isabella. He has instructed Miss Milly in his various forms of gentle discipline in keeping Isabella and Gus out of trouble. She welds this soft stick with a sniff and a kiss just as Ryce did.


    There is still a very large empty spot in this house that was filled with him before his journey to the bridge. I turn my head and I catch a quick shadow of him. He is here when I least expect it, reminding me of his gentle soul and his love for his family. He is the quiet click of nails on tile in the middle of the night when all is quiet and I know he is not really here. He is the memory of a soft gentle nudge of cold nose or the gentle lean against my leg. Has he taught Miss Milly, communicating through the stars from the bridge, to care for this family as he did? Or is it that she has simply learned what this household needs and does it with the same unconditional love and acceptance that Ryce did? I cannot answer that question. I do not know the answers.


    Miss Milly has not replaced Ryce. There is still a void where he should be. He is in our life every day. He shaped this family with his kind, loving and exceptional dignity that follows us through our lives. Ryce taught us to be better than we were. He taught tolerance and compassion through his behavior and demeanor. Things that are so lacking in our society and everyday life. Miss Milly is simply continuing to carry the torch that Ryce ran with. I hope that he guides her well from his place at the bridge.


    I miss him every day. He lingers here with us. Comforting with us peaceful memories. His favorite stuffie zebra remains under my pillow where my daughter placed it the day he left us. I have not even considered moving it someplace else. It is where it should be. He is also where he should be,. Tucked in the center of my heart that is his.






  5. Its so very hard to keep a promise that you know is going to hurt so much. You have my respect and Tatum, I'm sure, gave you graditude entrenched with her love. The joy of their Being is so much more than the pain of their leaving. She will continue to run whole in your heart.

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