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Posts posted by rycezmom

  1. As I sit and write this I am still trying to wrap my mind around the sudden loss of my lovely senior girl Milly yesterday. I know that there is nothing that I can say that would ever lessen your pain, sense of loss or grief. Our pain is fresh, an open wound that still bleeds. The one thing that gives me solace is that in the ten months that she was with us she was loved. So very loved. And in return she gave us her love. Her soul. Her cuddles. Her sweetness. She gave of herself with no expectations in return. We have all on this board been blessed by the presence of our hounds in our lives. They have given themselves to us unconditionally in ongoing and generous abundance. That is more than any one person in this lifetime could ever hope to have. Through these hounds I have come to understand that the love, joy, laughter and companionship is worth so much more than the pain, loss and grief that we suffer at having to let them go.


    I hope that your heart will heal in time. When that time comes, remember the love. Remember the hounds that give it.



    Mom to Gustopher P Jones (Pimpmaster G) and Isabella and

    Bridgebabies Bo, Jim, Ryce and Miss Milly





  2. Milly was at the vet this morning after her squabble with Isabella. The suturing looked wonderful, and she was doing quite well. As we were walking out to the car to come home with the vet tech to assist us, Milly's right rear leg shattered when she went to get into the truck. She was taken back in and x-ray confirmed tumor engulfing the leg. No warning, no symptoms, just this sudden devastating shattering. The x-rays were horrendous. Our options were discussed and a conference was held and the decision was made due to her age and previous cancer to not put her through any more misery. She came to us in November on the spur of the moment decision, sight unseen. She made herself instantly at home. She was with us such a short time but during that time she was loved and loved us well in more ways than I could ever imagine. She was sweet and wanted nothing more than to just cuddle on the couch. She was dignified in everything she did. She was tolerant of Gus and Bella and watched them with an amused expression on her face when they would act like silly hounds. In the ten months she was with us she settled in our hearts as if she had been here forever. I am blessed to have had this wonderful senior girlie hound come into my life. She made it better. Her journey to the bridge was gentle just as she was in life. I will truly miss her.




  3. In the time it took for Milly and Isabella to run once around the backyard at Full Zoomie Speed, one bump and the fun turned ugly. In the time it took me to get from the edge of the patio to the rumble, it was all but over. Isabella got the first bite in but at the end Milly had her down. Milly got the worst part and is currently at the vet getting sutured. Thank goodness it is mostly surface tear and not full thickness rip. One layer of sutures will do the trick. I can go and pick her up in an hour and will update later. As Isabella is usually the instigator with these squabbles, she will now get to wear her muzzle for playtime. Reminder to all - even when you are supervising your hounds in the yard you still have to be vigilant.





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