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Another Strange Bump

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Posting for someone else:


This is the same location where last week he had a white bump that started like a blister, then looked like a big pimple, then just disappeared. There was no evidence that it burst, no lesion left behind. I was too focused on GI stuff to give it any more thought. But now this. In the same place. Weird.






"this is the best one from this a.m. I have 2 or 3 more that are closer but less clear. The flash washes things out.


Do you notice a small white bleb at the upper right of the congregation of spots? It looks similar to a white spot that came up last week and seemed to go away on its own. I saw no evidence that it had popped, but I assumed it did. By the time the vet saw it, there was absolutely nothing to see. And now this.


Think I'll just have to get it looked at Monday. (My vet won't be in until Wed., so I'll have to to with someone else.) Thanks for looking. Any thoughts?"


Any thoughts?

Edited by ahicks51

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Could it be a staph infection?


That was my first thought. Shanti got blisters that would come and go. Hers tended to have a greenish/yellow tint to it. But when it first started one would show up then go away. This happened for a few days then they multiplied.

The Girls

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Very strange! No help here, but hope you get a simple dx.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Here is a link I have that was sent to me when Shanti got "fluid filled bumps". Hers was staph. Maybe it will help identify the ones you are dealing with.



Thanks for the suggestions and the link, which I looked at. Like last time, it has mostly disappeared, leaving no discernible break in the skin, just a few brown spots around the perimeter of where the black/yellow/white/red things used to be. If needle aspiration is the way to diagnose, he's going to the vet next time I see it, even if it's the ER! This is just way too creepy and mysterious in its behavior to ignore!


Assuming that it is staph, or something else bacterial, would cleaning it with peroxide and then applying Neosporin to the area at this point be wise?


Btw, could having recently been on a short course of prednise (2 weeks) and then going off a week ago have made him more vulnerable to an infection like this?


Many, many thanks,


Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Here is a link I have that was sent to me when Shanti got "fluid filled bumps". Hers was staph. Maybe it will help identify the ones you are dealing with.



Thanks for the suggestions and the link, which I looked at. Like last time, it has mostly disappeared, leaving no discernible break in the skin, just a few brown spots around the perimeter of where the black/yellow/white/red things used to be. If needle aspiration is the way to diagnose, he's going to the vet next time I see it, even if it's the ER! This is just way too creepy and mysterious in its behavior to ignore!


Assuming that it is staph, or something else bacterial, would cleaning it with peroxide and then applying Neosporin to the area at this point be wise?


Btw, could having recently been on a short course of prednise (2 weeks) and then going off a week ago have made him more vulnerable to an infection like this?


Many, many thanks,




I would think being on the prednisone could have increased the possiblity of getting this. Prednisone lowers the immune system which allows for fun stuff to show up. That is how Shanti's appeared. Neosporin should help. My vet even recommended that I put that on it. Be careful, I got bit 2x trying to clean Shanti's. I guess it was really sensitive and I did not know it how much. She does not bite normally. If they keep showing up, have a vet look at it. Staph can be nasty. Shanti lost ALL the hair and most of the skin on her tail from it in addition to a belly full of blisters. She was on a heavy immune suppressing medication (Imuran and Prednisone). Another trick is to bathe them in Chlorhexiderm (sp) shampoo. According to my friend who is a vet tech, Selsun Blu does the same thing. But they have to soak for 10-15 minutes in it before rinsing.


Hopefully this helps a little. I sadly got to know the ins and outs of a staph infection too well. :( We are now luckily several months past it. :)


The Girls

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