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Guest jennilol

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Guest jennilol

Just a little tribute to Chuy...


Miss you little guy. You were the bold little Lurcher we picked up at the pound in Dublin when you were just 6 weeks old, thanksgiving day 2000. You were found on the side of the road in a box with your brothers - the noisiest one of the bunch so of course I had to pick you! We'd just gotten our house there so it was time for a puppy! When we stopped at the petstore you fit up on the dash you were so tiny! You were such a naughty little lad - I knew we were in trouble when you could already bark at 7 weeks! You chewed our table like crazy and our fingers and anything else you could get your little mouth on! The first year we had to have rawhide chews on hand continuously so we could keep our fingers! Oh it was so charming the way you decided to poop on the chair when your auntie Roisin came over - talk about impressing the relatives!


Until your last day you knew how to greet a visitor - jump on them to make sure they know you're there! It was particularly funny the way you had to lick bald guys heads & nibble on their ears! Wow you loved people - you even got sad when the cable guy left! You weren't too keen on other dogs, but you were learning!


I remember making the decision to move to the States - you were my number one thought - I knew it would be hard to move back to Ireland with you so I committed to stay for the rest of your days, no matter what, thinking we had at least 10 years. We brought you over as our most important treasure!


I am sad you were taken away so soon, but grateful to have had the time we did with you. I still miss you curled up to me each night and the way you loved to swim and your tireless energy on walks!


Hope you're happy at the bridge and thanks for brightening up our lives on thanksgving day 4 years ago! You're our 'first born' and will always be special - see you when the journey is done my special little guy!

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