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Ran Into Fence Full Speed

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Great news!!!

Greys are tough sometimes. One thing about their zoomies...it is a balancing act sometimes if they ever injure themselves and need restricted activity. If you totally do the perfect thing and keep them totally restricted then as soon as they are deemed well enough to be on their own again they may go bonkers with such an explosion of energy it can re-injure them. Of course if you don't restrict their activity at all then they'll injure themselves worse. So all you are left with is a "judicious" interpretation of restricted activity which allows them enough that they won't explode when given freedom again but not enough to injure themselves. Of course this has absolutely nothing to do with with what Zeppelin just went through but I mention it for future reference should the need arise since he sounds like the type of guy this would apply to. It really applies to totally healthy houndies to. If they can run at 60-75% regularly then they are not usually as likely to explode and hurt themselves by running 110% suddenly. Oh well. You gotta love a greyhound! :)


Yesss, it will definitely be a balancing act! He's worked his way into our hearts for sure!

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In any enclosed space where the fence is not glaringly obvious, you can walk your dog around the inside perimeter before letting him off leash. Let him sniff/investigate the fence. This lessens the chances of head-on collisions with it when he's running around. Glad Zeppelin is ok -- great name.


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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