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Growth Between Toes

Guest johnwe

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Guest johnwe

Used my iphone to get these shots. one without flash (L) and one with ®


I found this thread- http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/267631-a-red-bump-between-rogers-toes/


I am hoping it's just a benign tumor. Saw the vet a few weeks ago when it was more of an oozing bump under his foot, this is the first it's a visible bump on the top of the webbing. Vet at first thought it might be a splinter working it's way out. (the bump underneath was sort of tall and narrow and not red) I plan on getting him to the vet as soon as I can. But you can imagine that I am worried considering this appeared in the last day or so. Last night and tonight he's licking it some. I soaked it with iodine wash.


6yo male grey in good health otherwise.


photos taken before the soaking and just after he came in from outside.



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Guest grey_dreams

Need to get to a vet ASAP and have it aspirated to determine what it is. Could be a couple of different kinds of tumor, and could be benign or malignant. Really need to determine what it is by doing a fine-needle aspiration. Here's hoping for benign :grouphug

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Guest johnwe

It's his front right foot. We'll aim to get him to the vet tomorrow. Thanks for the replies. Send positive thoughts.

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Guest johnwe

Got to the vet this evening. First thing vet said when he saw it was "it's an interdigital cyst". Plan to have a biopsy to be sure. He's having surgery next week to have it removed. Having them do a dental too while they are at it. Hopefully all will be well soon.


FYI for future reference. It started as a protrusion only on the pad side of his foot. Then it almost went away. In the past days it's appeared on top of the webbing as you see in the photo.


Doc says they have to cut the whole thing out to be sure it does not come back.


Thanks everyone for quick input.

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