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Cat Keen House Guest

Guest driser

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We are keeping a friends female Greyhound for 5 days. We had her this time last year for three days, but she was pretty fresh of the track so we assumed her cat keen-ness might diminish over time. NOPE! We have a XL kennel in our main living area as it is our male GHs favorite place to rest whilst being able to see kitchen, family room, entry from garage and front door. We are feeling guilty about his girl-friend having to be in there, but she really does want to dissect his "sister"... our 13 year old indoor only cat. Kennel is lined with bumper and has a memory foam bed so it's ridiculously cozy and she likes it, but it could be a long five days for her. At night, we lock cat out of our bedroom (to her confusion and dismay) so we can lock GHs in the bedroom and give guest GH a chance to not be in kennel albeit bedtime.


Doing the right thing right? I mean, it's not cruel that our allegiance lies in keeping our cat alive, right? When not pouring down rain we will walk her little butt off so she feels compelled to nap in comfy kennel. And if you could see this thing ... truly better than the alternative, which was actually being kenneled (boarding kennel) like last time they went out of town.

Edited by driser
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Don't feel guilty. The little girl is blessed not to have to stay in a kennel where I'm sure she wouldn't get anywhere near the love and attention she will get with you. Don't let those greyhound eyes deceive you; she is one lucky pup and she knows it.

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Yep keeping the cat safe has to be your priority. If you are feeling bad perhaps you could lock the cat up for slightly longer and allow GH guest more out time. I think with plenty of exercise she should be OK and 5 days isn't a very long time.

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Yes, yes, yes you are doing the right thing by keeping the non-cat Greyhound visitor securely crated. I've fostered non-cat hounds and there is no room for error in a household with cats. Be sure to keep the visitor hound muzzled whenever she is out of the crate. (Yes, they can harm or kill a cat when muzzled (+leg pounce) but not nearly as easily or instantly as without a muzzle.) Here, before the crate door is unlocked, the cats will have already been locked in another room. Since cats often bolt out of a room the second someone opens the door, we ensure the dog is locked in the crate before opening the cats' door. Please don't take any chances. The Grey likely lived in kennels all her life before retirement so one week, with daily outside walks, will be fine for her.


Extra hugs to Bus as he temporarily adjusts to his friend occupying his favorite space. Since some Greys don't do as well in boarding facilities after retirement, next time, you might suggest to your friend to post on our local forum to try to find a non-cat Greyhound sitter.

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Thank you for all the encouragement! Poor kitty did not fancy being locked out of bedroom and meowed for about an hour. Hard to relay that it was for her own good. :)


I got up ahead of hubby and left him and dogs shut up in bedroom while feeding cat and then moving her water and litter box to guest bedroom. At age 13 she sleeps all day anyways so we're going to lock her in guest room until evening so guest GH can roam with our boy and nap wherever she wishes. This evening, we'll swap who is locked up so kitty can spend time with her pack :)


Thanks again!!!

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Thank you for all the encouragement! Poor kitty did not fancy being locked out of bedroom and meowed for about an hour. Hard to relay that it was for her own good. :)


I got up ahead of hubby and left him and dogs shut up in bedroom while feeding cat and then moving her water and litter box to guest bedroom. At age 13 she sleeps all day anyways so we're going to lock her in guest room until evening so guest GH can roam with our boy and nap wherever she wishes. This evening, we'll swap who is locked up so kitty can spend time with her pack :)


Thanks again!!!



That's exactly how I'd handle it.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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