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The Girls Got A Squirrel Today. First Squirrel.

Guest lynne893

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Guest lynne893

Our girls got a squirrel today. DH said it may have been pregnant or recently gave birth, as it looks like she had nipples. Poor thing! She was too close to our backyard door and DH didn't see her when he let the dogs out, but they sure saw her. A chase ensued and Greta wound up getting caught in our hammock and cutting her chin (we think that's where the cut came from) then Swiftie got the squirrel and probably either shook it, caused internal injuries or a heart attack. DH yelled for her to let it go, but it was already dying and passed within a few minutes.


No real obvious injuries (i.e. open wounds) on the squirrel, so again, probably internal injuries and shock.


Poor critter.


$500 later, Swiftie's paw is fixed (got cut, probably from running after the squirrel) and Greta's wound is cleaned. Sheesh.


And the vet says Greta may need teeth extractions and her kidney levels seemed high. Terrific! More $$$....

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Sorry the pups got hurt.


There is a squirrel in my neighborhood who will lay on the power lines or on top of my shed and chatter at my pups.


If they ever get a chance that squirrel will be history.

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RIP Squirrel. I hope the babies are okay. :(


My boys got one last year. I had to take Henry to the vet because the squirrel either scratched/bit him on his muzzle, and they needed to use surgical glue on it. At least squirrels have a fairly low prevalance of rabies. Sorry you had to go through this ordeal.

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

Does your vet know the different blood values for a Greyhound? Kidney values can typically run higher than other breeds in Greyhounds. Just be sure your vet does his/her research before you start spending money on tests and other things that are not needed.

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My boy caught a cat. I saw the cat in the yard as soon as I opened the door. Before I could blink he was out the door. The cat never had a chance to move before he was in Wink's mouth. Wink was shaking the cat like a rag doll by the time I grabbed his collar and made him turn it loose. The cat ran off but left a lot of fur in the yard. I didn't see any skin or blood so I think the cat survived. Wink just looked at me as if to say, "What did I do?"

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Guest lynne893

Thank you all for your kind comforting words.


Swiftie's paw had a bandage change yesterday. It was the pad that was cut so the wrap will stay on for another week.


I'm going to do some research into normal greyhound kidney values-- I did remember that greys are either higher or lower than other breeds, but couldn't remember in which direction the pendulum swung :)

I think they said Greta was at 1.8, so I'll do some digging around on the medical forum.

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