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How "velcro" Is Your Grey?

Guest TofuNifty

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Guest WhiteWave

All my dogs, not just Greyhounds follow me to the bathroom. They follow pretty much everywhere. They always want to be in the same room as me. I had Dobes before Greyhounds and they are a very velcro breed, so Greyhounds following me didn't faze me.


Joey and Mira like to check behind the shower curtain to make sure I am still in the shower and didn't escape out the imaginary door! Absolutely no privacy!

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Guest DragonflyDM

I can't even adjust myself in my chair without Boomer jumping up from his bed to come over--- just in case. If I am out he can be 45 degrees leaning against me, or his head in the crook of my armpit (if I am low enough). Bathrooms are interesting. He won't walk into a bathroom, but he "sphynxes" outside waiting till I am done. He lays ON TOP of me when I am sleeping.


I don't think he is velcro..I think he is super-glue.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest Krizzy

I just got Bantay some clearance booties from PetSmart for when we visit my parent's house. He didn't like them at first but now he walks just fine on their shiny surfaces. :) For $3 it was worth a try.





This is the cutest picture!! I tried getting booties for our Hammer so he wouldn't be afraid of the floors but I went a little cheap and they kept falling off of him. Maybe I will try getting the ones you used- but they weren't so cheap when I was looking. Not on sale and about $30! :-/


Hammer follows me everywhere and still does but it isn't like when we first got him. I think since he has been with us for a while now, he trusts us and knows his surroundings. He would sit and cry when I went to the bathroom but now hes more laid back about it.

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Guest Waterdog66

Audrey is still new to the house (5 Days now) but is also just a couple of months from the track. Her bed(s) are her safe zone and she is still getting used to the freedom of being in a 2,000 SQ FT Crate.
She only wanders away from her bed to eat, drink some water and go for a walk. (She is keen on getting up for her walks)

Very once in a while when someone walks through the Garage or the Front door, she will get up to check out the happenings. But I think our alone training is teaching her there is nothing really to see when someone goes through the door.

I am sure this will change as she gets more comfortable. She was not spooky (Very Outgoing) at the adoption center and my guess is she just needs to get comfortable with her new home.

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I have not had a moment alone in the bathroom since I got my first dog (a GSD puppy in 1997). He followed me into the bathroom for many years... until it became too painful to get up easily.... but I made sure he had beds strategically placed in the house so he could see me anywhere. My cat followed me into the bathroom and jumped in the tub when i showered.... he loved drinking the water even though he would get wet...


Remy, my first grey, would follow me everywhere, incuding the bathroom. A year and a half later, when I went to get my second grey, I fully intended on Remy picking his new mate.... however, Leyla staked her claim me and never let go.... she is now underfoot and I often step on her... she sits on the bathroom rug waiting till I'm done,and follows me everywhere I go.... if we have company and I have to shut the door, she will cry and bark at me... she MUST be near me AT ALL TIMES :bunny I adore her :beatheart

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Guest Eyeblaura

Enzo is not a Velcro dog. He likes to be on the same floor as us but he doesn't have to be in the same room.

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Guest BuckeyeAmy

I just got Bantay some clearance booties from PetSmart for when we visit my parent's house. He didn't like them at first but now he walks just fine on their shiny surfaces. :) For $3 it was worth a try.





These are a great idea! I need some of these for my boys for winter time.

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Guest TofuNifty

These are a great idea! I need some of these for my boys for winter time.

If you are going to use them for outdoors- you might want to shell the money for the more expensive ones. These bad boys (boots) were the clearance ones and rather flimsy. I'm sure that if your grey walked in a puddle or anything wet outside then these would get wet on the inside. For in the house though- these are great. I've also started using them to keep him from licking a hurt paw while it is healing :)

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Guest chickenpotpie

During the day she's fine until around 3-4 o'clock when she starts whining for me to come out of my office. We play, then take a walk, then we watch a little tv. OMG do not let me get up to go do something from that point on because she will follow me everywhere until bedtime. Sometimes she wants to be in her crate, which is not in the bedroom. I get to about midnight before she starts whining. So I go get her, put her in the bedroom with me and she finally sleeps until I wake her up about 6:30 am to go p&p. She's only been with us a week, so I've yet to teach her about the stairs to my office (hell I barely like them myself!)



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