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Estradiol Dosage For Incontinence (Instead Of Des)?


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Janet (15-1/2) has been having increasing problems with incontinence. We have had her tested for UTI and she is currently in week 2 of 3 of some antibiotics. We also started her on Proin (phenylpropanolamine).

She hates the Proin and med times are becoming ugly battles. Currently we are grinding up the pills and putting them into empty Cosequin-DS capsules-- takes two per pill-- and then wrapping in whatever she is not currently rejecting.

The Proin may be helping some, but the battles are not good for her or us-- she is a sweet girl. She has also become more picky about her food. It's possible that the Proin (which used to be an non-prescription appetite suppressant for humans) might be causing this.


So, we asked our vet about trying DES. We now have a prescription for DES. And now we have discovered that it has become very difficult to obtain this drug anymore. It's off the human market. Our vet does not have it.

In digging around in the literature, there are mentions that "estradiol" could also be used (and then they don't give a dose. It would be different from the DES dose.) Estradiol >is< on the Walmart $4 formulary.

It would require a separate prescription (not interchangeable). (Premarin has also apparently been used-- and it IS still on the human market. But there is no generic for Premarin so it is very expensive.)


If you have a hound on estradiol (instead of DES) for incontinence, could you post the doses used here?
Or you can pm me at carol at greyhoundfleecejackets dot com




Greyhound Fleece Jackets


Greyhound Pack: EdWin, Jethro. and Lucky; Foster Jinks; Angels Janet, Faster, Blake, Navarre, Murray, and Festus.

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I don't know a dose for estradiol since it's not one that's used and hasn't been studied for incontinence in dogs, as far as I know. However, there's now another FDA approved medication for canine incontinence that is also an estrogen product, similar to DES. Ask your vet to look into Incurin which is manufactured by Merck. Here's the information on the Merck website, and another article with more information.

Jennifer &

Willow (Wilma Waggle), Wiki (Wiki Hard Ten), Carter (Let's Get It On),

Ollie (whippet), Gracie (whippet x), & Terra (whippet) + Just Saying + Just Alice


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Thanks- we will check out Incurin, which is estriol.


I had found mention of estradiol in several articles, but no one ever mentioned a dosing regimen. It was always in the same sentence discussing DES with words along the lines of "estradiol has also been used". With our vet, it has always worked best to provide some info for them to use as a starting point if we are asking for something non-routine (which seems to be OFTEN) -- so I was hoping someone had a dosing regimen. :)


Estradiol, estrone, and estriol are the three naturally occuring forms of estrogen. Estradiol is the most potent of the three and is currently used for post-menopausal hormone replacement therapy. That Merck picked estriol (the least potent of the 3) to develop for canine incontinence suggests that they probably considered all three and this one was "best" for some reason. I will probably take the path of least resistance and see if we can get an Rx for the Incurin. I have only found a couple of online pharmacies that even include it in their inventory... I will call KV vet supply and see if they can get it... any favorite reputable sources?


Can anyone post experience with Incurin?





Greyhound Fleece Jackets


Greyhound Pack: EdWin, Jethro. and Lucky; Foster Jinks; Angels Janet, Faster, Blake, Navarre, Murray, and Festus.

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