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Mila Omega 3's

Guest Alichou

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I noticed that's it is rather expensive. I'd be interested in it, but would like to know how long it would last. How much are you suppose to give? I saw that they sell single serve packets, but I can't imagine a cat would need the same amount as say a greyhound or human.

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Guest Alichou

A cat under 10 lbs only needs 3/4 of a teaspoon a day which will last you a long time. I give my greyhound one scoop a day (2 tablespoons) in soft food. I buy the large bag (65$ from pet store, but you can buy a large bag in bulk cheaper online). One large bag lasts my greyhound about a month. My mum also takes it due to the high nutritious value. So far I've noticed both my cat and greyhound have much more beautiful coats and they seem to have a lot more energy. I buy mine at a pet store called pawsitively pooched, here in Calgary, Alberta. The most cost effective is to buy online. I would recommend buying 2 bags at a time as you see more of a savings that way.

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Are the seeds fed whole? If so, I would be highly doubtful if any of it is actually absorbed. If your dog has ever eaten bird seed, you will know what I mean! :P They are not efficient at all in digesting seeds, they basically go right through. If it is ground up, I would imagine it would be digested easier. I add chia to my morning shakes, it also goes by the name "Salba" I think.

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