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Greyhounds And Chaotic Schedules

Guest AngelPup

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Guest AngelPup
Holy animal crackers! Three hours of walking a day?? I don't think that is the norm!


LOL! I was thinking the same thing. I plan on at least one walk per day for approx 30 minutes and the remaining time running free in the back yard..... Hopefully that would be enough. :dunno


Oh, and visits to a large fenced in field and possibly dog park on the weekends.....

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B typically gets (2) 30+ minute walks a day, plus 2 quick potty stops (literally out the door, pee & turn around - I think she thinks she has to do this in order to get her morning Kong rather than actually needing to pee). On weekends we'll typically take her for longer walks if the weather is nice, or take her with us when we're doing errands in the neighborhood or something. She'll do zoomies in the hallways, too, and this all seems to work perfectly fine for her. Some days she'd rather stay out longer so sometimes we do - sort of depends on the weather, what else is going on, time of day, etc.


When she's at my parents' house she gets much more exercise and that works for her, too.

Dave (GLS DeviousDavid) - 6/27/18
Gracie (AMF Saying Grace) - 10/21/12
Bella (KT Britta) - 4/29/05 to 2/13/20



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