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Petting A Greyhound In Bed?

Guest GreyGrey

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Guest Wasserbuffel
Just to present the other side of the situation, my Lila LOVES to be stroked, scritched, and fussed over when she is in her bed, either just laying there or if she is sound asleep. Be cautious in the beginning and you'll know pretty quickly what your dog does and does not like.


This is how Jayne is with me. She loves for me to fuss with her when she's laying around. But it's ONLY me. DH can get away with it sometimes, depending on her mood, but mostly she doesn't like him leaning over her.


All guests are told to leave her alone unless she's on her feet, or they might get snapped at. If there are children over she gets muzzled, because they constantly forget the rule (ask me how I know) and they definitely will be snapped at for approaching her.


That said, on one of his visits only about six months after we got Jayne my FIL stuck his face right in hers and tussled her head while Jayne was roaching on the couch and didn't get so much as growled at. Sometimes it just depends on who is doing the approaching.

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there's a reason why the saying "let sleeping dogs lie" was created. Not every dog is happy to be touched, etc on their bed.


our first 2 slept with us and you could literally fall on them while they were sleeping and they wouldn't care.


EXCEPT. one afternoon I went to give Rainey a kiss -- she was lying at the foot of our bed, my husband was sleeping with her and Nube. I thought she was awake...I'll never really know WHY she did it -- but in a split second she snapped up and bit my right ear lobe off. Gone. So, you just NEVER know.


and secondly, our newest, Larry -- we've had for 1.5 years -- DOES have space/sleep aggression. We learned very early that if he is on his bed, or even just sphynxing on the floor, do NOT try to pet him -- he will growl and snap. We have, however, made some advancement --- if he sphynxes on the floor and we say "floppy, floppy" (or he just does it on his own, just flops over to one side) THEN it is ok to sit down next to him and pet him. But honestly, I still do not trust him 100% doing that. A dog is just that -- a DOG.


If the dog you get is fostered, you probably will know (from the foster family) if s/he has any issues like that. Like with Larry, his foster family absolutely made it clear how he was.

Kim and Bruce - with Rick (Rick Roufus 6/30/16) and missing my sweet greyhound Angels Rainey (LG's Rainey 10/4/2000 - 3/8/2011), Anubis (RJ's Saint Nick 12/25/2001 - 9/12/12) and Zeke (Hey Who Whiz It 4/6/2009 - 7/20/2020) and Larry (PTL Laroach 2/24/2007 - 8/2/2020) -- and Chester (Lab) (8/31/1990 - 5/3/2005), Captain (Schipperke) (10/12/1992 - 6/13/2005) and Remy (GSP) (?/?/1998 - 1/6/2005) at the bridge
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." -- Ernest Hemmingway

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