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Strange Evening/moment

Guest apollo

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Monday afternoon my boyfriend, Apollo's "person" left for a business trip. He's returning today, but I know that his "person" being gone affects him.


Wednesday evening, Apollo had his breakfast as usual around 7am. I got home and let the dogs out (Apollo, our GH and Dexter our Boston Terrier) and went about my evening. I heard Apollo retch, and when I looked he had puked up most of his breakfast as well as a fair amount of water he'd drank just minutes earlier. I attributed this to his "person" being gone and Apollo missing him. I spaced out his evening meal in 2 servings, and we had no more puking incidents.


Last night, we were all in bed & i heard Apollo licking himself. I had noticed a red spot between his legs earlier, as if he was licking that spot a lot, so i turned the light on to tell him to stop it. He did & i turned the light back off...but then he did his i want to play dance where he gets on his bed, twirls & barks so i let him outside. When he came back inside he did the same thing except he was laying on the bed in his play stance and as I tried to pet him to soothe him, he let out some pitiful moans in between barks.


I put Dex in his crate because he wasn't helping by coming over to see what's wrong, and when i came back in the room Apollo let me give him some pets & scratches while he stood there without barking. I was able to turn the light off without the playing stance accompanied with the constant barking, but he started whining pretty frequently. Dex was still in his crate, so I tried to pet Apollo to soothe him while he was laying in his bed and I was laying in my bed & it didn't work he kept whining so I let him outside again.


I brought Dex back into the bedroom thinking Apollo was also whining because he knew Dex was in the crate, and Apollo settled down for a moment then whined once or twice and then he fell asleep.


I don't think he heard anything outside, but I wonder if he was upset with me stopping him from licking.


Either way it definitely wasn't normal for him.


Has this happened to anyone else?


Oh and my boyfriend does travel frequently for work, last time he was gone for 2 weeks - so this was a "short" trip and he's only been gone 3 days really...my bf and I are wondering if Apollo is just agitated because he misses his "person".


I guess I'm just looking to see if this is something "breed specific"? This is our first greyhound and he usually only barks when he wants something, but figuring out what he wants is usually the issue lol

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Guest cwholsin

The only time ours are whiney at sleep time is if one of them isn't feeling well and -needs- to go outside to throw up or have D. Could just be that he was feeling weird!

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Ruby acted weird when I was in the hospital for 4 days recently. She wouldn't lay down at night and whined and fussed for hours. It was weird too because she is used to my husband feeding her and being home with her. The minute I got home, she was back to her old self. I bet she is missing him.


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Ruby acted weird when I was in the hospital for 4 days recently. She wouldn't lay down at night and whined and fussed for hours. It was weird too because she is used to my husband feeding her and being home with her. The minute I got home, she was back to her old self. I bet she is missing him.



Saturday morning, he didn't eat his breakfast and his stomachwas making loud noises. I'm betting he was having stomach issues and that's why he was acting weird. he was fine the rest of the weekend though.


Thanks for your comments :)

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