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More Weight Loss

Guest MDMD

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My 9.5 yr old has loss yet more weight over the past few moths. Been to the vet a few times, all blood work and urine checks fine. No limping, no fever, no D, no vomiting, teeth looked fine. He seems kind of depressed and quiet. Was on rimydyl, no change, Pepcid, no change, nausea meds, no change. His loss his appetite and now mainly wants treats as I have been cooking special just to get him to eat, which now seems less and less. He is a 3yr skin cancer survivor, vet suspects something could be going on in the organs but can't say which at this point so X-ray in order. Today was the 1st day ever he refused a walk. Anyone have an idea? Back to the vet.

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Good day of eating today, he finished all meals, dog food, pancakes, eggs and treats, yeah! Trying not to get too excited, but happy my guy is eating today!

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Good day of eating today, he finished all meals, dog food, pancakes, eggs and treats, yeah! Trying not to get too excited, but happy my guy is eating today!


good news, my grey is the first fussy eater I have ever had. Not one of the other 5 dogs I have had in my life has been fussy with food. I think greys are more like cats than dogs in some ways and cats are notoriously fussy eaters. Bobby has decided he doesn't like one particular kibble at all so I cooked extra mashed potato yesterday and some rice and mixed it in with his breakfast kibble this morning and he ate every bit up. He eats it at night as I always mix meat (either raw or cooked) with it in the evening. Maybe your boy just got sick of his usual food and wanted a change. I hope that is the only problem, lot better than it being an internal problem. Good luck with your boy hope all will be okay with him (xx to the doggy)

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