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Yummy Chumies

Guest june

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Over the weekend I came across Yummy Chummies original salmon recipe and bought a bag. My girls are crazy over them. This morning I noticed puddle poop in the yard after morning turn out. I wasn't watching (Bad Dog Mom!) but I was guessing it was my 8 yr old girl who got quite a few at a meet n greet she hosted. She did get more treats than I usually give. This evening my 10 yr old girl had puddle poop while we were walking (YUCK!). She only got a couple of these treats but right now that is the only thing I can identify that she has had that is different. She usually has a cast iron stomach so I'm wondering if anyone else has fed these and had any problems or do I need to keep looking for a reason for the change in her stools. The other two are still having solid stools. I've fed the 10 yr old girl a supper of plain rice to see if that helps. I'm not horribly concerned at this point just looking to see if anyone has had any problems.



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Ooh, my boys love Yummy Chummies! They had them at Costco in the spring at a great price and I'm still kicking myself for not buying more. My boys never had any problems with them. I also gave a bag to my friend and none of her four girls had problems either. Of course, they rarely got more than 1 or 2 at a time.


I hope your girls' tummys feel better soon.

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Thanks for the feedback. My other two are still fine so maybe she picked up a bug. Rice and turkey for two meals now and if she isn't better by the end of the day I'll fast her for 24 hours and then start plain rice. If it doesn't clear up quickly I'll get her in to the vet.

Thanks again,


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