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Emergency Vet Visit Or Not?

Guest evanderleeuw

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The new symptoms could be neurological too, the head-tilt, walking sideways, and out of sync. I'd have him looked at as soon as possible. Did your vet give him a new pain medicine? Maybe it's a reaction to medicines? I hope it's nothing serious and he gets better fast.

Edited by hikinghounds
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I just read your posts. I'm so sorry that your boy got bit. I have no advice to give, though I read with interest the concern your vet expressed at the e-vet you went to. I am interested because I live in Greenville, NY (just south of Albany) and am wondering if you went to the e-vet in Latham? That's the only one of which I'm aware. If you ever need a recommendation for a non-emergency vet on a visit up here, send me a message and I'll be glad to pass on the name of the vet to whom I take Annie Bella. The practice is very Grey savvy.

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Guest evanderleeuw

Thanks everyone, ill be calling my vet again tomorrow to ask about his weird walk.


I didn't mean to come off as upset at the e-vet, but I just couldn't see how it would have healed being that open. Although thinking back I seem to remember the wound did seem more closed when we left, maybe from swelling and then gradually became more open.


Feisty: The e-vet was in Latham on route 2 I think. I would appreciate your recommendation for a vet near Greenville, we are up there a lot. Actually I think we met at the dog park in Cairo a few weeks ago. Annie wanted to run and play and my guy Luke just wanted to lean on you! I was actually thinking the night he got bit, " I wish I took down the telephone number of the lady who had Annie", oh well.

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Thanks everyone, ill be calling my vet again tomorrow to ask about his weird walk.


I didn't mean to come off as upset at the e-vet, but I just couldn't see how it would have healed being that open. Although thinking back I seem to remember the wound did seem more closed when we left, maybe from swelling and then gradually became more open.


Feisty: The e-vet was in Latham on route 2 I think. I would appreciate your recommendation for a vet near Greenville, we are up there a lot. Actually I think we met at the dog park in Cairo a few weeks ago. Annie wanted to run and play and my guy Luke just wanted to lean on you! I was actually thinking the night he got bit, " I wish I took down the telephone number of the lady who had Annie", oh well.


We did meet!! I didn't put 1+1 together when reading. Ohhhhhhhhhh, poor Luke. He is such a sweetie. I remember him leaning and letting me pet and love him up while my girl wanted to play with your BIL's dog (which I didn't let happen much because of my nervousness of Annie Bella getting hurt). As you say, Luke was very much into the attention rather than another Greyhound. LOL


The Route 2 place is the only e-vet I'm aware of in the Capital District. Thankfully I haven't had to use it yet.


My vet is Albany County Veterinary Hospital. It's not exactly next door to Greenville (but then nothing is). I live right in the middle of the village on Route 32 and it takes me about 35 minutes to get there, going up Route 32 into Delmar and then a few side roads into Guilderland. Here is its web site where you can pick up its address and phone number. http://www.albanycou...vet.com/ The practice was one of only half a dozen my group recommends (adopters from my group have to agree to only use a vet the group recommends with the recommendation based on the Greyhound knowledge of the practice). I like this practice a lot for many reasons and give them a big thumb's up when it comes to caring for my Annie Bella. I don't know if they take off-the-street, so to speak, clients, but a call to them before you need their services explaining your frequent travel up this way would let you know. It might be a good idea to carry copies of Luke's medical records with you in case he ever needs the services.


I was down at the Cairo park last evening just to walk in a different, and cooler, place. We didn't go into the dog park because there was a highly-excitable dog in there already, and I just don't trust that type of play. While walking the park, though, we ran into a man who was walking his 3 Greyhound boys!! Well, actually, I saw him from across the parking lot as Annie and I were getting ready to leave, and I practically ran them down trying to get to them! :gh_run It was exciting for me to see them all together, walking so calmly as most Greys do. Annie Bella, being the only girl, got a lot of attention. :--)


I hope Luke's medical issue is well on its way to healing. If you'd like any more info about my vet, you can email me from my profile page.



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Guest evanderleeuw

Thanks everyone for the info, Luke hasn't done any of the weird walking today and I'm hoping it was only do to the feeling of having a boat load of staples in his chest but I'll keep a close eye on him. I tried to film him this morning but haven;t been able to get him doing it.


Feisty: Thanks for the vet info up there, I'll give them a call and see if they'll accept us as part time Catskill Mountain People....Next time Im heading up I'll PM you and maybe we can set up a time to meet so the dogs can see one another and have some Grey time.



all the best,


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Thanks everyone for the info, Luke hasn't done any of the weird walking today and I'm hoping it was only do to the feeling of having a boat load of staples in his chest but I'll keep a close eye on him. I tried to film him this morning but haven;t been able to get him doing it.


Feisty: Thanks for the vet info up there, I'll give them a call and see if they'll accept us as part time Catskill Mountain People....Next time Im heading up I'll PM you and maybe we can set up a time to meet so the dogs can see one another and have some Grey time.



all the best,



I'd love to have Annie and Luke meet up. She doesn't often see other Greys and I think it's special when she does. As an only-dog, it's good for her socialization. :--) Hope to see you and Luke soon.



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I didn't mean to come off as upset at the e-vet, but I just couldn't see how it would have healed being that open. Although thinking back I seem to remember the wound did seem more closed when we left, maybe from swelling and then gradually became more open.


Based on the initial photos you posted, and the description of it being a 3 cm lac, it probably would have healed fine on it's own. I've seen plenty of wounds that size or larger heal without any sutures or staples. I have to wonder whether there's some underlying animosity unrelated to your dog's care that made your vet so critical of the e-vet. I agree with Batmom that 3 staples doesn't sound too few for a 3 cm lac, especially when leaving a hole to drain, and a dime-sized hole is appropriate for drainage (too small and it will close down and not drain). And nothing wrong with carprofen for pain in a case like this.

Jennifer &

Willow (Wilma Waggle), Wiki (Wiki Hard Ten), Carter (Let's Get It On),

Ollie (whippet), Gracie (whippet x), & Terra (whippet) + Just Saying + Just Alice


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Hope Luke heals up quickly and has no further walking issues.


It does sound like there is some kind of negative history between the two vets :dunno


I would not stich or staple a 3cm wound either, and like to keep punctures open, but that is just me.

Having multiple dogs and horses for a gazillion years, you do get a 'feel' for what needs vet attention and what does not.


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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Guest PhillyPups

I hope everything is well with Luke.


I know this is a late answer, but my rule of thumb is if I need to go on the message board to ask about an e-vet or not, it is easier to get in the car and go. I tend to err on the side of caution when it comes to my hounds. I can do things at home now that I was unable to do when I first got dogs, experience is a great teacher.


As you were with your in-laws, and stated you tend to go there a lot, I would be very cautious of having the two dogs together unattended and unmuzzled. A bite on the neck is not a play bite, it is the bite to get the prey. As you said this happened when they were on leashes (you pulled the two leashes apart) can you muzzle both, or kee them separated?

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