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Not Feeling Well

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Our Storm isnt feeling very well this morning. She wouldnt eat her bistcut and she looks like she is going to throw up. Well...she did not a lot but enough that I can tell she is just uggggg.


I dont have pepto at the moment but I have forgotten how much to give for tummy troubles.


I should know being a prior vet tech...but I have brain fart this morning.


will be giving a light bland diet today to all of them

just in case its a "bug" going around.


Tessa's tummy was rumbling big times this morning but she ate her biscut.



I hate it when they dont feel good

In loving Memory of: 

Chip, Wendell, Tessa, Moose, Moody, Noble Storm, Thunder, Gracie, Duke



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Guest HHHounds

I have only used pepcid for tummy troubles... Nothing is as pitiful as a houndie with a sick tummy! Hope all is better soon.

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