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Frozen Green Beans?

Guest EvanstonGrey

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Guest greytkidsmom

I give mine fresh green beans off of the vine in the garden. There are days that Tiel will go stand and stare at the green bean plant until I pick one for her.

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Guest Snazzy_Chloe

I am so glad I have witnesses to this story. I once put green beans in Enza's dish and then sat down to talk with my sister and her friend. Enza carefully picked each green bean out of the bowl, carried them to wear I was sitting, dropped them on the floor, and then walked back to eat her kibble.


I had only had her a few months at the time, but that's when I knew I was in trouble......

That is hilarious - that is one smart hound that is bound and determined to send you a message.

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I really thought Barkley liked bananas. He'd take them from my hand and I'd try to convince Buddy that Barkley liked them and so he should. Little did I know while I was cajoling Buddy Barkley was spitting out the bananas in his bed and cherfully coming back for more as I cooed "good dog Barkley"... :blush

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