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Something Disturbing Happened Last Night

Guest hplove45

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Just muzzle him before bed until you know whats going on. My beloved Minny had unexplained "fits" of aggression at any time-not just at night. He had to wear a muzzle all the time because he would attack unprovoked. Although no one suspected it in his case it had a medical cause which later led to his crossing over. But my point is a muzzle will easily solve the issue and is no biggie IMO.

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Guest chevbedra

Our grey, Adrian, often growls and such in her sleep so it could have very well been possible that your dog was doing the same. A month after we got her she started to get very possessive of the bed and even growled at my husband when he tried to get into bed. Needless to say we revoked her bed privledges for a while. Eventually she became more comfortable and confident and we don't have any troubles anymore. At the end of the day, you have to do what makes you feel the most comfortable and safe. It's not like you are leaving the dog outside to sleep, she is still living the good life to have a nice comfy bed right besides yours. Good luck! :)

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