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Question About Switching Over

Guest verthib

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Guest verthib

So I would like some advice. As some of you know, I've been trying to find a food for Angus to cure his loose poops.


I found Rachael Ray's Just 6. It's a limited ingredient made with lamb and rice. It has 7 grams of fiber!


Anyway, I started giving him 1/4 cup Monday night for dinner (mixed with his old food) and have been giving him 1/4 for each meal up until today. His poops got firmer, not perfect, but a noticeable difference, and they got a bit darker. All was well, and I didn't want to rush it so I kept with the 1/4 cup until today. For some reason this afternoon he had diarrhea. Very unexpected.


So my question is this: Do you think it just took this amount of time for the RR food to "catch up" and start affecting him with diarrhea? Or do you think that it could have been a new venison liver treat I gave him at 11:00 am this morning? I only gave him two small pieces...about the size of a game dice. He's never had them before. Could they have affected him so quickly? He had the diarrhea at 4 pm.


I'm trying to figure out if it's more likely to be the RR food, or if it was more likely to be the venison treats.


Thanks a lot.

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IMO it was most likely the treat.


I found that if the food was upsetting enough to cause diarrhea the first time they had it then it would happen between 4 to 24 hours after eating. With my foster dogs I also found that the "1 cup" point was when many would start getting the loose stools if it was going to happen again.

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Others more experienced than I will chime in.... but we gave liver treats once to both of our girls and had disastrous results within two to three hours. It wasn't pretty. So.... I think sometimes it's like when you eat McDonald's, MSG, whatever, sometimes the body moves things through PDQ.


But then,maybe it is the food....

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Guest verthib

I felt soooo bad. Thought I was rewarding him for his teeth brushing and then during our little hike it was baaaaad. He hasn't had diarrhea the rest of the night so hopefully everything will go back to normal by tomorrow morning.

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Live and learn. We've found the Ziwi Peak treats work quite well and don't trigger anything untoward in either pup.


If it makes you feel better, your mess cannot compare to the mess we experienced when Brandi ate all of my husband's newly prepared beef jerky. About 3 kg of meat and preservatives went straight down her gullet from where he'd left it on the kitchen bench. The results were spectacular (in an awful way). And it was inside. Thankfully, I wasn't home and he had to clean it up. But he did send me photos.

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Guest verthib

Well his poops are a little firmer this morning. I'm thinking it was the liver treat. I'm also thinking about just keeping him half and half (half old food, half new)... I read some prior threads that recommend two sources of protein and that it works well for their dogs. I never thought I'd be so focused on poop!!!! :)

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