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Need Mushy Canned Food

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Dear All Helpful Hinters...we are getting along fine...I was more worried than Charlotte! I soaked her kibble and mixed it with Ricotta cheese, pot roast juice (made especially for the occasion,) crumbled chopped meat. Now I am wondering what treats I can give her...back in the day when she had teeth, she loved Denta Sticks, Milkbones and the like and Greenies. I dare not try those now. I have been giving her Milo's Meatballs, broken and crumbled. She loves them but I think she misses the satisfying gnawing experiences.

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After reading the post "Bread" how about pieces of bread crust with a tiny bit of peanut butter smeared on. It could be interesting for her if it stuck to the top of her mouth :lol

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After reading the post "Bread" how about pieces of bread crust with a tiny bit of peanut butter smeared on. It could be interesting for her if it stuck to the top of her mouth :lol



Ha! Don't laugh...now that she has no teeth her tongue dangles out the side of her mouth...I've been thinking about applying a glop to the roof of her mouth to stick her jaws shut to prevent frostbite on her tongue!

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Hey there ... your Charlotte will probably still enjoy Milkbone biscuits, or any type of crunchy/tough treats that soften with gnawing (thin rawhides or chicken strips, if you give her those). She'll tell you if they don't work for her (she'll try them and then leave them around). I agree that dentastyx & greenies are probably not goign to work for awhile, but if you don't have other hounds in the house that would steal them from her, she may be up for the challenge!


Glad to see she's doing well!

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