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Guest Bikeman

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Guest Bikeman

How often/what frequency/what purpose do you give edible treats or bones to your grey? I am trying to guage how often I should or shouldn't be giving bones and treats to my grey. I like to give treats but don't want them to lose their place as a treat.

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Joe usually gets some of whatever we're eating, as appropriate, and in moderation. Nothing if he's being a pain! Missy-Nameless-New-Dog gets kibble, and a biscuit once a day. No treats or people food till she learns manners. As long as they eat their food and aren't in your face when you're eating, I see no problem with spoiling dogs. This doesn't apply if their tummies can't handle it, though!

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My hounds have bones that I get from a local butcher that have little to no meat on them and they have access to them 24/7 until the hounds get bored with them. They carry them around the house and gnaw on them on their dog beds or carry them outside (I have a dog door). I'm pretty bad about keeping up with brushing teeth but the raw bones help a lot. My Jane came to me a yr ago from the Humane Society and had been a brood mama at a kennel for 6 yrs. Her teeth were a bit funky and the vet and I discussed she would probably need a dental at some point. She just had her yearly check up and the vet checked her teeth and said, 'Whatever you are doing, keep doing it. Her teeth are in good shape and I see no need for a dental at this time.'

Cookies (like milk bone type), each hound will get one a day just for being so gol danged cute.

When I dremel nails they each get a stinky/yummy treat like 1/2 a hot dog or a Pupperoni when we are done. Jane gets one because nail dremel time is not the happiest time for her but she accepts it with grace and much cajoling. She deserves a treat for being such a brave girl. Billy gets one because he prances around the whole time I'm working on Jane waiting for his turn, then he lays down and FLOPS his legs (all four) into my lap. He deserves a treat for being such a happy goofy and willing participant.

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My girls get a night time treat when they come in from last potty; usually a medium milk bone or a couple dental treats. On weekends they get a couple treats during the day in their treat-dispensing toys and Kongs. Other than that they don't get much as all of mine are healthy eaters who would quickly put on excess weight.

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