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Not Sure If I Should Be Worried...

Guest amazing_gracie

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Guest amazing_gracie

New behavior the last few days and I'm not sure if I should be concerned or even what I can or should do about it, if anything.

I posted a topic a few days ago about Gracie suddenly having hardwood floor issues again. She seems to be fine with the floor again for now, but for the last 3 days she has not eaten her breakfast.

When I leave for work, I always leave her with food - an XXL Kong filled with kibble and topped with a bit of peanut butter, a small frozen Kong filled with peanut butter and yogurt and a couple of small dog biscuits in another hollow toy. We started doing this for mild SA she had in our first weeks together. Just like the Dummies book says, she only gets this when we are out. It seemed to work. Most days when I get home I find her on her bed or the couch. Sometimes she doesn't work on the small Kong or just gets through half of it. The past 3 days I've gotten home to find both Kongs untouched. She was lying on the couch each day, looking calm. When I showed her the Kongs she was uninterested but when I poured the kibble out, she ate it. I don't know why she's doing this. Even weirder, there's still the same amount of poop and it's on the same schedule.


Side note: Gracie scraped her paw pad on Monday afternoon. I took her for a run when I got home and she lost her footing and got a bad scrape. I cleaned it and have been taking good care of it and it looks like it's healing nicely. But she is limping a bit, and favouring that foot when she lies down, etc. I don't know if this could have anything to do with the food situation, as it happened in the afternoon and she didn't eat that morning before it happened...


Any ideas are welcome! Thank you!

Edited by amazing_gracie
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Guest happygrey

Her foot might be bothering her a bit and perhaps it's causing her appetite to fall off? Recently Desmond (one of ours) had a fall in our yard and he was definitely out of sorts for a few days. He was much quieter than usual.


Where are you leaving the kong? If it's on the hardwood floor maybe she's afraid to get it.


My last thought is that perhaps she's not a big fan of yogurt and/or peanutbutter.

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Guest amazing_gracie

Sounds like a lot of food going in the Kong(s) in addition to meals. Maybe she's not hungry?


That's her meal, actually. The big Kong holds less than a cup of kibble so I supplement it with the small one. My adoption group recommended waiting to feed her until I leave to help with her initial SA. It worked well, and that's how she gets her breakfast every day that I go to work. She has always eaten what I leave for her until this week. She's usually a very good eater.

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Guest amazing_gracie

Her foot might be bothering her a bit and perhaps it's causing her appetite to fall off? Recently Desmond (one of ours) had a fall in our yard and he was definitely out of sorts for a few days. He was much quieter than usual.


Where are you leaving the kong? If it's on the hardwood floor maybe she's afraid to get it.


My last thought is that perhaps she's not a big fan of yogurt and/or peanutbutter.


Maybe it is the foot that's bothering her. She does seem kind of lethargic and a bit sad since she scraped it.

I always leave the Kongs on her blankie on the living room rug. She gets a dollop of yogurt on her dinner (which she gets in her bowl, when we're home in the evening), and she always eats it up along with the kibble. She always seemed to like peanut butter before. Is it possible that she's tired of peanut butter?

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Maybe she's doing what my previous and current hound do. I'd give a special treat as I left, and they would eat it. That would last for a while. Once they figured out that I was coming back, they started saving it. When I got home, they would eat the treat. I think they're weird, but greys tend to weird in some amazingly wonderful ways.

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Guest amazing_gracie

Maybe she's doing what my previous and current hound do. I'd give a special treat as I left, and they would eat it. That would last for a while. Once they figured out that I was coming back, they started saving it. When I got home, they would eat the treat. I think they're weird, but greys tend to weird in some amazingly wonderful ways.


That seems to be what she's doing. Definitely weird, but I agree, they are weird in amazingly wonderful ways. :)


Today I had the day off so I used her bowl to feed her. She ate normally. Hubby and I went out this evening around 7, so I fed her when we left, but in the bowl, not the Kong. Food was gone when we got back and she was in her usual spot on the couch. Could it be the Kong that's the issue here? Like Cris_M mentioned above, she seems to save the Kong until I get home. But she'll eat out of the bowl if I'm away. Maybe she doesn't want to work for her food. She is retired, after all! :lol

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