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Sleeps And Sleeps And Sleeps Some More

Guest driser

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The stories are so funny. My Annie Bella loves to walk but in the summer, pooped out pretty quickly. With the cooler weather, she's good to go for 30 to 45 minutes two to three times a day. She sometimes likes dog parks; sometimes not. In between, she sleeps pretty solidly unless she thinks I'm going out (and they can sense that hours beforehand), then she settles herself in the hallway so she can keep an eye on me and doze at the same time.


What she does not like is getting up to go pee after she's put herself to bed, which at this time of year occurs about 6:30 PM now that we're taking our evening walk earlier than in the summer. Once in bed, she is out solidly, dreaming, twitching, running and ears flicking. I've tried to get her outside for a final pee about 8 PM but she wants nothing to do with it, so she often goes from 5:30 PM to 5:30 AM without a break.

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The stories are so funny. My Annie Bella loves to walk but in the summer, pooped out pretty quickly. With the cooler weather, she's good to go for 30 to 45 minutes two to three times a day. She sometimes likes dog parks; sometimes not. In between, she sleeps pretty solidly unless she thinks I'm going out, then she settles herself in the hallway so she can watch wherever I go in the house.


What she does not like is getting up to go pee after she's put herself to bed, which at this time of year occurs about 6:30 PM. Now that we're taking our evening walk earlier than in the summer, I've tried to get her outside for a final pee about 8 PM but she wants nothing to do with it, so she often goes from 5:30 PM to 5:30 AM without a break.

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Totally normal. Franny sleeps so much that I sometimes forget I have a dog.

Jodie D (hope to have another grey name her soon)
Missing my Bridge Babies:
Rusty (Cut a Rusty) 10/18/95-06/09/09
Solo (Tali Solo Nino) 01/10/98-03/25/10
Franny (Frohmader) 02/28/04-08/31/17

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Guest itsagreytlife
We have the luxury of a fenced in 2 acre field to our name. The few times we took Tracker there, unhooked his leash and expected a spectacle to unfold, we were sorely disappointed. He would stand by the gate and not leave there. So we walked down the field figuring he might follow and gather momentum. No such luck. He BEGRUDGINGLY started walking in our direction once we were a good 60 yards away ("why are you making me do this??"). And he walked as slowly as he could, too. It was hilarious. By now we figure that's how he wants it, and that's fine. Even adding a visiting greyhound made no difference. They just walked off in different directions.


That is some great imagery there. Hilarious is right. He sounds adorable. :)

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