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The Hits Just Keep Coming....panacur Question

Guest firegypsy

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Guest firegypsy

So Paladin tested for hookworms in addition to all his other minor but copious issues. He started panacur yesterday and he is NOT doing well on it. Darby, who is being treated as well (and is the one that had the loose stool initially) is perfectly fine. Poor Paladin refuses to go outside. Paces and freaks out when he does, will do anything to get back inside and just won't get off the couch. He will eat though. Unless he's dead, he'll eat. :rolleyes:



Anyway, is this normal? His stools are suddenly mushy and light colored (they were perfect prior to panacur) and he seems anxiety ridden. The only thing I'm truly worried about is that he's also on allergy meds and antibiotics. I would ASSUME that given the same vet dispensed all of them they're compatible....but they were dispensed a few days apart. I'm having anxiety issues that they can't be given together and no one caught it. BUT of course here I am at almost 8pm on a Saturday night. Double :rolleyes:


Any words of wisdom here? In humans things can get worse before better with de-worming. I'm just a bit alarmed that he's so altered personality wise. Factor in the loose, light colored stool and something is not right, but maybe this is what you see with the meds? I just feel so bad for this boy. :(

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The first time Kevin took Panacur he had loose stool that was lighter. He seemed like he may not feel 100% but not what you are describing. But after that he did fine stool wise on it in later treatments. And loose stools resolved after the treatment. We do give him Missing Link (which seems to firm his stool). He seemed to be weird on antihistimines. Not sure if maybe that could be the case with your guy? In any event, I hope things get better.


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Guest IHeartDogs

Yes, Panacur causes loose stool/diarrhea during the treatment, but it is only 3 days and things should start firming up, until the next treatment 2 weeks away.


I would think it is fine taking allergy and antibiotics at the same time. My adoption group's greyhound savvy vet gave my foster antibiotics during her panacur treatment. And allergy meds can be given with most anything.


Sorry your boy is feeling punk. Some dogs get pretty down when they aren't feeling well, which is understandable. Once those hookworms are gone he'll feel so much better.


Hope he is back to his old self soon!

Edited by IHeartDogs
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