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I'll Be Danged..... Diana Has Gained Weight!

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Diana has ALWAYS been a skinny-mini. I started asking for advice about her a few years ago, when we adopted her - then realized that was just her build and she was just FINE at her skinny weight. Healthy, happy, bouncy. All tries to fatten her up a bit failed, she would just refuse to eat if we over-fed her through any means. She KNEW what food intake she needed, and kept to it. OK - Got it.


She's filled in a bit in the last year - still visible ribs, but not the dinosaur-bump back, and jutting hipbones that we'd become accustomed to. So I figured she'd gained a couple pounds, and she's lost some muscle mass definately (our "puppy" has grown up and gotten LAZY).


I had her at the vet last weekend - and the scale showed - SHE'S GAINED 10 lb's. HOLY CRAP! :lol


Apparently, even a skinny-mini can pack on the pounds when age and exercise levels change. She's still perfectly fine - but for the first time since she's been with us, I'll think twice about handing her a pizza crust, and start making sure she gets her exercise! :eek

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