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Hello From Central Iowa

Guest Rexanne

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Guest Rexanne

Hello, I like to introduce Silver (A Star Silver)


We met Silver at a local meet & greet. Was it love at first sight? I am not sure that overwhelmed might not be a better description. We came looking to adopt; we had done months of research and decided meet a few pups and feel out the personalities of those available to adopt. Like a kid in a candy store there were too many choices, all sweet and in need of forever homes. Then Silver and his foster dad arrived, he is a big boy, noticeably larger than the other dogs running about 31 inches at the shoulder and weight about 90 pounds. Even though his size was intimidating, we keep gravitating back to him though out the evening. We found that he was a bounce back as his previous family, who had him for the last 8 month but could not keep him so he had just been back with his foster family for about a week. We arranged a home visit and on July 3, he became a part of our family.

He seems to finally be settling in and no longer looks at you like he is expecting to go home now. He is vary sweet and I am sure people will be surprised to know he sticks like velcro. (I read in one of the blogs where someone has not been to the bathroom alone since 86? I can now believe it.) He such a ham / suck up and can't seem to get enough loving and all of those so darn cute things he does. The happy dance when he sees the leash, the way he can stand there and lay his head upside down in your lap and when he looks at you with love and burps in your face, you know the good stuff. Sometimes you just don't realize something is missing until it is found.


Once I figure out how to post a picture I will get one up, technology is great but it likes to bite me in the ... ;-}

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Welcome from Waterloo! Silver sounds great. He is a Gable Dodge boy, I see!


To post pictures here, you have to put them in a photo hosting site like Photobucket and then you place the IMG code from the image into your message. There are more instructions here: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/121707-how-to-post-a-picture/

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Welcome from Maryland! He sounds great!!


(I have an Iowa connection - my dad grew up in Ute, in Monona County, out west...)

Jeannine with Merlin, the crazed tabby cat and his sister, Jasmine, the brat-cat

With GTsiggieFromJenn.jpgAngel Cody(Roving Gemini), and Weenie the tortie waiting at the Bridge

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