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Bison's Afraid Of The Baby

Guest Patience

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Guest Patience

We've had Gracie and Bison over 6 years and just came home with a one-yr old boy last week. Both dogs were super shy, though not quite spooky, when we got them but have come a long way since then. We spent a lot of time preparing for this event, following GTers' advice and reading all the suggested books.


Gracie is so sweet, gentle and nurturing that we've started calling her the Nanny. She comes when the baby cries, licks his forehead and was happy to discover he throws food when he eats. She seems to trust that we will keep him away from her bed and that one of us is there to keep him from pinching or grabbing. She walks away when she's had enough.


Bison took one look at the baby and went to his safe spot in our closet. He comes out for meals and when I tell him to go outside. He comes out when it's been silent long enough that he figures the kid is asleep. If he sees the baby is still awake, he turns right back for the closet. I feel so terrible that he has exiled himself like this, and I'm surprised because he usually follows Gracie's lead.


He may just need time--it's only been a week. But, does anyone have any advice?

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Just be patient. Be sure to give him lots of attention. If you can get him to come out when the baby is around give him lots of treats and positive attention to make that a special time.


I'm sure others will have more suggestions.

Good luck,


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Guest mirthlesstroll

Some dogs need to step back and check new things out, but you don't want to reinforce the wrong behaviors. Don't pay any attention to Bison when he's in the closet - he will think you are rewarding a new behavior, and not come out of the closet. Praise and treat him with something really yummy when he comes out of the closet, and if he even looks the baby's way. Eventually, he'll calm down, and accept this new little creature.


Congrats on your new family member!

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Guest BrianRke

He just needs more time to figure things out. Imagine being a dog and seeing a baby for the first time! Its understandable that he is a little freaked out

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Most dogs get the luxury of watching a newborn grow up and even then when they get mobile it can be a bit daunting for them. I imagine having a one year old suddenly there is pretty over whelming for him. He probably just needs more time to figure this new creature out, lol. In the mean time don't cater to his fears. Still continue to feed him in his usual space and don't give him affection when he is hiding out. Gradually I'm sure he will get more confident and will go in to hiding less. Still always allow him to have his safe space though, so he can get away when needed.


Just wanted to add Congratulations on the adoption!!! I would love to see pictures of your little boy.

Hobbes-Ricard Hatch09/23/99-12/21/09 Always loved, never forgotten. Wally TNJ Boy Howdy, GLS Genuinerisk Corinna

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Guest beemico

I'm pretty new to this, but when I'm trying to train mine, we always take a walk with whatever he's not comfortable with. He was afraid of the trash can bins, so I walked him next to me as I dragged the bin around. It took time and practice, and I didn't baby him, just made him walk next to me and the trash bin.


Hope things are better. :)

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