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Honest Kitchen - Force

Guest azlorenz

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Guest azlorenz

We've started switching the girls over to Honest Kitchen Force. So far so good. Elly would eat anything you put in front of her (thank you Lord) and Tansy well, she'll eat it with a little grated parmesan BUT that is the way she is with ANY kibble.


My question is, for those of you that feed the Honest Kitchen products about how much (dry measurement) do you feed at each meal assuming you feed twice a day. The box says that the girls (65-70) should each have approx. 2 - 2 1/4 c. (dry measurement) per day so approx. 1 - 1 1/8 c. per meal. I know we always fed less than the kibble bag ever recommended so I assume we will probably feed less than the recommendations from Honest Kitchen say. We already give them a turkey neck, buffalo neck piece, or veal neck once a week.


Just wanted to get some of your experiences before the girls get pudgy on me from feeding the recommended ration.

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Guest Mom2Shiloh

I'm only using Force for Agnes' breakfast now. She gets 2 cups of Precise Foundation with some lightly cooked ground turkey for dinner. I would LOVE to feed all 4 dogs Honest Kitchen foods, but I honestly can't afford to. Plus my 11 year old, Silver, still gets Chinese Herbal supplements as post mast cell cancer follow-up (in lieu of chemo).


Anyway, I do give Agnes half the recommended (Daily) amount for breakfast. Force is a good balance, and has 21% protein (just perfect for my crew)... but Agnes gets it because she has an easily upset stomach and before we started this regimen, she would need an Ensure and some pepcid before she'd even consider eating anything else... and she still wouldn't eat more than the Ensure 9 days out of 10. The Force seems to not only give her better nutrition but she EATs it!! Then she has a good day instead of lying around looking like she has a tummy ache. And Then she eats her dinner too! To me, it's miraculous :)


I think, with an Honest Kitchen product, I would go a Little under recommendation but not a Lot less -- and just see how they do with it. I know it's easily absorbed nutrition and I can't say enough good things about the company and their products -- just wish I could afford to feed it to everyone!!

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Guest azlorenz

Tonight Tansy got 100% HK Force and Elly is about 3/4 HK Force and 1/4 Kibble. Elly is still 1/4 Kibble because we are trying to get the remainder of kibble used up. Both girls are doing greyt on the HK Force. Tansy's pooh is the best I think it has ever been. AND tonight she even ate the HK Force without the grated parmesan cheese topper. I think we might be converts.

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Isaac is on Keen and gets 1c dry hydrated with 1 1/2c water twice a day, and also around 1/2 kibble for his "snack". He has great poop on the Keen. He still has allergies and I think it's outside -- trees and grass. Gets better when it's cold.

Edited by Burpdog

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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Guest azlorenz

I think HK Force is a keeper. Tansy eats it (much to my husband's dismay) and I believe feels better. She has the most normal looking pooh I've ever seen come out of her. And of course Elly would like anything that resembled food so no worries from her.

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