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Allergic To Cigarettes?

Guest 7ct5

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Today, Phoebe and I were walking behind a couple of young guys, one of which was smoking. We were fairly close and I trailed them for a minute or two. At first, I didn't even notice the cigarette myself blush.gif, but Phoebe kept lifting her nose up ... sniffing the air .... and sneezing! She must of sneezed four separate times just walking down half a block. huh.gif




I can only imagine how bad second hand smoke is for other people and pets, but I thought it was quirky to see Phoebe sneeze SO quickly after inhaling some smoke. Guess it's a good deterrent if I ever started smoking cigarettes lol.gif



Are all dogs like this or is she extra sensitive? tongue.gif

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Guest AliceMyPrincess

My male doggie (Husky Mutt) not only sneezes when he smells cigarette smoke but if some gets close to him and is smoking he will bark at them. I think it's funny that even dogs know smoking is bad for you. :)

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Well, this may not be an allergy, but this happens to me! If I'm around cigarette smoke, I immediately fall into a sneezing attack. After lots of doctor visits a few years back concerning sinus problems, I did find out that my body treats cigarette smoke as an irritant - and not actually an allergen - which makes my sinuses act up with the smoke!


I'd say it's possible that Phoebe can be sensitive like this, too.


My aunt smokes, and she has a Bichon, named Buddy. He has developed such a funny quirk with his owner's smoking. When he hears the sound of the lighter, he snarls his teeth and turns his head away from her! It's really funny. Even though I love my aunt, this is totally what her dog should do! :P

Lauren the Human, along with Justin the Human, Kay the Cat and Bernie the Greyhound! (Registered Barney Koppe, 10/30/2006)


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Funny--George LOVES cigarette smoke! I noticed it as soon as I brought him home. My old condo building had a TON of smokers, and he loved to run over to them and sniff away. I always wondered if the kennel staff at the track included one or more smokers.


Sadly for George, I do not smoke, and cannot tolerate the stench, so he's had to kick the habit!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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