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Seperation Anxiety

Guest needlenose

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Guest needlenose

We have a bit of a different kind of seperation anxiety.Our 4 yr old grey who we have had for 3 yrs has always had another greyhound with her.Last June our 13 yr old grey passed away,a few weeks later we adopted a another female also 4 yrs,. this girl was extremely afraid of people but loved other greys.She was tested ok with cats and small dogs, both of which we had. After living in our home for 5 months and ignoring the little dog completely,we came home one day to find she had freaked out for some reason and killed the little dog. Prudence our original grey was in the room when this happened. The grey Lila who did the killing went back to the rescue to be placed in a home without small dogs, cats. Since that time Prudence howls, crys etc every time I go out. Even if my husband is home she will howl. Previous to this incident Prudence never made a sound when we left. She is a bit skittish about silly things like wind, carrying things close to her. Very people oriented,but not clingy. She will lay in another room when I'm home, doesn't follow me around the house. So my question is do you think this is a reaction to trama, or do you think getting another grey would help the situation. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Guest mirthlesstroll

I'm sorry for the loss of your little dog :( Perhaps she would be more comfortable with a companion. Have you done alone training with her? Maybe you could try out a foster dog, and see how she feels about having a friend.

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That's a sad story--but I personally don't believe a dog's mind works that way--and I mean I don't think she's laying around reliving the trauma. Sounds like she's lonely for another dog companion.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest Swifthounds

Has she never previously been an only dog? On top of having been bred for hundreds of years to live together and hunt together, racing greyhounds never really spend time without the company of other dogs unless and until they are alone in a home. Being an only dog is a big adjustment, and difficult if she has never done it. Personally, having done it both ways, I find greyhounds are happier living in pairs or groups than they are alone. For their comfort and benefit, I will always have more than one, or I will have none.

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Guest mbfilby

That's a sad story--but I personally don't believe a dog's mind works that way--and I mean I don't think she's laying around reliving the trauma. Sounds like she's lonely for another dog companion.


I agree with this. Most greyhounds enjoy the company of other greyhounds and your pup lost three companions in a very short period (sorry for your losses)...

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