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Hackles On Tail?

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Today I watched a funny thing happen. I was walking Tracker this morning along our usual route (rural area country road that sees many bunnies by the side of the road at sunset). No bunnies present. However, there was a rock just about the size, color and shape of a bunny in the distance. Tracker went into stalking mode, tail held up medium high, but clearly also kind of unsettled/scared, because it just didn't act/smell entirely bunny-ish. But he kept approaching carefully, and I noticed something I had never seen on him (nor any other dog--first time dog owner): about a third of the way down his tail (below butt) his hair (2" worth) went up, just like mini hackles! Above and below the fur was smooth. And once he realized that he was stalking a rock, he probably got embarrassed and hurried to put that fur back down. Have others noticed this on their dogs? His hackles on the withers stayed down.

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Yes, I've seen it just before two got into a fight. Dogs give off lots of warning signals before acting.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest mbfilby

Although Cy is a super spook, he is the best darned watchdog I've ever seen. He barks, growls, snarles, and tares around the house if he hears a noise, sees someone on the street (or way, way down the street), hears a car door, etc. He gets all hackles up, and his tail puffs up like a fox.. he looks quite ferocious and scary.. Almost daily, someone will make a noise in another room, and Cy will go from sleeping peacefully on the couch to cujo the devil dog in .03 seconds.. He's nearly given me a heart attack many times when a door bell rings on the TV..


Of course, it is fear based, and as soon as the person in the yard is in the house, he runs and hides. So guard dog.. no, just a nerve wrecking distant early warning system..


In the time it took me to write this, he has barked at the window twice... and the curtains are closed...


Anyone need a super spooky, slightly retarded alarm system that can't be disabled?? :)

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