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My Standard Poodle

Guest kelli123

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Guest kelli123

I hope i can post this here sense she is not a greyhound? I'm not sure if I'm violating the terms of the site? If this should be in off topic could you please move this.


Some of you may remember i adopted a standard poodle named Elsa,






She is almost 9 months old and has started her heat cycle. I adopted her a month ago and was wanting to wait to get her fixed until she felt more comfortable here. like a month or more and Aunt flow beat us to the punch. :lol


Any Ways she has been bleeding for going on 3 weeks now . My question is how long do they bleed? And how do i know when she is no longer in heat? When the Blood stops? And how long do i have to wait to make a appointment after the heat cycle.

I have never had a dog that wasn't Spayed or neutered so this is all new to me .

Thanks so much for the help KElli And Elsa

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I think a heat usually lasts 3 or 4 weeks, so it should be over soon. I'd make the spay appointment for 2 or 3 weeks from now and you'll be good to go.


BTW. She's beautiful. I love the Standards. I grew up with one who lived to 15 and was my best friend. I have his paw print tattooed on my ribs.

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Guest kelli123

Aww thanks for the story, and information. Im Glad that Your boy had a long life, its never long enough But 15 is a great age, i hope Elsa will do as well

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Every vet will tell you something different about how long to wait after they cycle. Things need to return back to normal- while they are in heat and just post the tissue is very friable and needless to say vascular. The drs I know like to wait 8 weeks but, you might want to give your vet a ring. Do have her spayed before she cycles again as it will reduce het risk of mammary tumors down the road.

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Guest kelli123

Yes i defiantly want to have her spayed before her next cycle.

I wanted this to be don't before the first. But she was a little scared of the new environment here, So i wanted to let her settle in a little. Guess i waited to long.


Right now she is really swollen so i know that she is still in heat . I'm thinking or should i say hoping that she will quit bleeding by the end of the week. Thanks for the information. Just wanted all your opinions before i ask my vet His.

Because As you all know More than one opinion is best . Thanks you guys

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