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Looking For Wound Healing Secrets

Guest Trentsmom

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Guest Swifthounds

Don't wanna hijack the thread, I'm just going by those threads where folk say you should be able to slide a coin under the dog's nails when standing.


Wow. I can't imagine letting my hounds' nails get that long. I try not to glance at hounds' nails at get togethers anymore as I'm amazed those dogs aren't more hobbled than they are. Hijack over. :)


Another thing to use for wounds that won't heal is Manuka honey, of course, but probably not best for small wounds since it will need covering or they lick it off.


You can get some of those same healing results with regular sugar or even instant potato flakes - those heal wounds faster than anything else I've tried.

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Guest WhenIGiveIn

I use bactine spray after the initial wash with warm water. Spray it on a couple times a day, seems to stop or atleast reduce licking and keeps everything clean and happy. I dont bandage unless bleeding. Once the bleeding stops I let it be exposed to the air.


This is the spray I use


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Another thing to use for wounds that won't heal is Manuka honey, of course, but probably not best for small wounds since it will need covering or they lick it off.


You can get some of those same healing results with regular sugar or even instant potato flakes - those heal wounds faster than anything else I've tried.


Can you get these results with regular sugar and potato flakes?




I know there are uses for potatoes in wound treatment, but I don't think it has the same healing properties as Manuka honey.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Trentsmom

Ditto on not using peroxide. No good, I threw mine out a long time ago.


just a note to say that keeping peroxide on hand is not a bad thing. If your dogs eats something they shouldn't it's a good thing to use to make them puke it up.

good to know- thx

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My first grey licked open a large sore on her leg the first night I brought her home. She had bumped her leg earlier in the day and I guess it started bothering her during the night. My vet finally got it healed by having me make a paste of sugar-water and bandage it; changing the bandage and reapplying twice daily. She has a scar but I've not seen anything heal faster on such a difficult place to heal.


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Guest budsmom

I have had good luck with Calendula gel. It's a natural herbal that is good for cuts, burns and rashes. It's similar to arnica gel, but you shouldn't use arnica on an open wound. The calendula gel gets absorbed really fast so licking isn't a big deal. I get it at our food co-op, it's about the same price as EMT.

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